Get Oriented to Work in Organizations

Societies can only become sophisticated through joint work involving large numbers of people working creatively.

Even relatively small projects are beyond the effort of any single person, and large projects cannot be carried out by a small band. Complex efforts require carefully combined specialized contributions from many people with diverse interests and capabilities. That requires organisation.

But no achievement exists in a vacuum: the social environment itself requires organisation. Then there is also a need to ensure that many persons can be responsible: which means providing for their maturation, education and non-interference. One way or another, it all has to be done. How it is done is another matter. But it is all work dependent on, and yet beyond the power of, single individuals.

To look at this big picture, we will be covering:

what sort of work, in the broadest sense, is required by a society;
the capability to carry explicit responsibility for work in society;
designing the various hierarchies of work-responsibilities;
organising the management for these diverse missions.

The focus here is about responsibility for work i.e. the context of decision and action, and not about doing work (the content).

More Orientation

Originally posted: 11-Oct-2013