Nested typology hierarchies within RL-6 Purpose

This section of the TOP website explores the internal structures within the 6th Level of the Root HierarchyRH-L6 Purpose.

It was expected that a nested Root Typology would be found there, although there was no idea for many years what the Typology would contain. There was less certainty about whether there would be a Root Tertiary Hierarchy associated with the 6th Root Type and no idea what that would contain or whether it would be holistic and lead to a Structural Hierarchy. (See Hub for more technical details.)

The Typology Types are expected to be discrete, while the Root Tertiary Hierarchy could be either discrete or holistic.


Origin: Root CellWill: See Will Conjectures.

Emanate: Root Hierarchy (RH)—Levels of Will and Framework of Personal Endeavour: See Structures for Endeavour.

Nest: Root Typology (RH') within RHL6-Purpose, incompatible systems called Primal Quests. These indicate an approach to the use of the Hierarchy of Endeavour in general. Being Purposes of Endeavours generally, and given Endeavouring = Living, the Primal Quests are equivalent to Purposes of Life.

Nest: Root Tertiary Hierarchy (RH") within RH'L6 (Obedience)—Requirements for obedience called Primal Injunctions. These correspond to essences from each of the Primal Quests.

Combine:Root Tertiary Structural Hierarchy (RsH")—Framework for «Producing Goodness». (Suggested in the image by the blue arrow.)

  • Jump ahead to the various Review topics in the Table of Contents if you wish to see in advance what emerges.

Originally posted: 28-April-2012