Dialectic Unfolding of Quests
Easy-Resting v Dynamic-Effortful
The THEE Typologies, are subject to a duality that leads to their dialectical unfolding as follows:
, like all- The lower pole of the duality is a ground or resting state of the , which provides for easy benefits.
- The upper pole of the duality is dynamic and demands effort, but then delivers the full benefit of the .
- The synthesis of the duality generates the resting pole of the next higher .
- The system is cyclic and so synthesis of the highest resting state of the lowest , creates the
This analysis is largely a validation exercise. It is not proposed that anyone ever does, or ever should, work their way through these progressive dialectic resolutions. However, it does explain observed tendencies within
, and the basis for interest in the next level .Unfolding Dualities
See summary diagram, which includes the oscillating duality, at right
RH'L1: Pleasure Quest
Passive sensuality v Social conviviality
The resting state is passive and sensual enjoyment, that might be obtained by listening to your favourite music, having a cup of tea, or dozing in the sun.
The dynamic state involves arranging social interactions that suit your pleasures e.g. setting up a bridge game, or organizing a round of golf, designing a dinner party, or going with friends for a day at the races.
RH'L2: Meaning Quest

Use values to set goals v Develop psychological insights
The resting state finds you reflecting on current experiences and getting to know yourself. This enables articulation of your values and using them to define goals and assess possibilities. This is intrinsic to living a life of purpose.
The dynamic state involves developing psychological and social insights based on your ideals, your attempts to feel good, and the progress of your projects.
RH'L3: Enlightenment Quest
Explaining puzzles v Breakthrough understanding
The resting state is a readiness to experience puzzlement about how people behave; and then enjoying finding explanations and solutions that are useful in social life. This may start with relationships, but it soon progresses to include the social context and inner personal states.
The dynamic state involves specifically identifying genuine and persistent mysteries and working to make breakthroughs to deeper understanding. This requires penetrating into the meaning of social activities in general, and your own contribution in particular.
RH'L4: Salvation Quest
Act compassionately regularly v Rescue specific individuals in need
The resting state involves acting in a compassionate way on a regular basis and as a matter of course. It may occur in paid work e.g. social work, psychotherapy, community relations. There will also be acts of kindness in accord with the moment and not entailing any significant further obligation.
The dynamic state involves engaging personally in rescue efforts targeted over time at the needs of a specific individual, a small group like a family, or even a small community. The suffering is perceived as an opportunity and the effort may occur on a sole-actor basis or as part of a dedicated group.
RH'L5: Creation Quest
Try out innovative solutions v Bring new ideas to fruition
The resting state involves trying out solutions for particular problems in an existing situation where you can act more or less freely. The goal is to be innovative and do something that is obviously needed or could save money or add benefit in some way.
The dynamic state involves bringing a stream of new concepts to fruition. This is a much more substantial challenge. It often means moving into new social arenas, learning new methods or disciplines, and getting support from new unknown people.
RH'L6: Obedience Quest
Perform obligations as specified v Fulfil duties in the spirit
The resting state involves performing obligations to the letter with meticulous attention to procedure, protocol, rules and ritual.
The dynamic state involves entering the spirit of fulfilling duties when discharging the role. That means appreciating the humanity and symbolic functions built into the role—these are vital to support continuance of the institution.
RH'L7: Spirituality Quest
Belief in the existence of spirit v Use of spiritual methods
The resting state is a belief in the existence and significance of spirit. It may also involve belief in the presence and accessibility of God or divine union, either on a doctrinal basis or as a purely personal conclusion.
The dynamic state involves active use of spiritual disciplines to access divine realms. These may have practical or devotional components or be primarily meditative efforts to experience oneness or divine union.
Dualities: Unfolding & Oscillating
- Equipped with this amount of understanding of each compare Quests simultaneously using a THEE Typology Essences Table. , it becomes possible to
Originally posted: 29-Jun-2012