Use «Right» to Stay on Track

The Primal Quest specifies the «purpose of life» that you sense is right for you. So it is not surprising that what unites all Primal Quests is a search for «right». However, it should come as no surprise that «right» is expressed somewhat differently according to the quadrant in which the Quest lies.

Inner Tensions & Transcendence of Reality

Engagement with reality is the source of an inner tension intrinsic to the human condition. The more distant and partial our engagement, the lesser the tension. When we are asleep, tension becomes minimal.

From the paradox of transcendence, it is evident that this inner experiential tension increases the more we rise above current reality to envisage something else, while determinedly remaining effectively engaged. Transcendence is therefore intrinsically disturbing and disruptive: it wakes us up, shaking us out of ruts and comfort-zones.

Identification (for ImmersionQuests) and Concentration (for EquilibriumQuests) can be used either to increase or decrease this inner tension.

«Right» as a Calibrator of Tension

Vertical division of the Primal Quest table showing difference in handling tensions.

The difference between the left and right halves of the TET is about the degree of current reality transcendence, and hence about the tension generated by simultaneous engagement with reality.

The 3 Primal Quests in the right half of the TETCreation, Enlightenment, Spirituality—are high on transcending current reality (X-axis). So pursuit of these Quests generates and increases inner tensions. The transcending efforts are internal (e.g. altering beliefs, assumptions, attitudes &c.) and bump up against external constraints. Quest effects potentially lead to emotional clashes around the need for change: practical, technological, paradigmatic, social or moral. Individuals on these Quests may wisely keep their thoughts and efforts private, but they still tend to be viewed as distinctive or unusual within the community.

The 4 Primal Quests in the left half of the TETPleasure, Meaning, Salvation, Obedience—are low on transcending current reality (X-axis). So pursuit of these Quests accepts the status quo more or less, produces social comfort and reduces inner tensions. Quest efforts are oriented to finding external opportunities, and bump up against internal constraints (e.g. preferences, comfort, beliefs &c). Clashes with others are kept to a minimum, and individuals on these Quests generate conceptions of what is normal in a community.

See the two TET graphics with further explanations of effects below.
ClosedClick to see Findings in a Table

How right appears in the 4 quadrants of the Primal Quest table.   Quality of each of teh 4 quadrants in the Primal Quest table.

Tension States & Effects

For «Entangled Activities»

For «Knowing Clearly»

For «Discretionary Interactions»

For «Feeling Good»

  • Both immersion and equilibrium are necessary for living, so now consider viable combinations of Quests.
  • Originally posted:  27-Jul-2012.