Examples: Codes for Living

TOP Note: The examples below are meant to be illustrative only.

Religious Laws

When we examine the most popular codes, it is evident that they are focused on community survival and preoccupied with individual behaviour in a group setting.

Example 1: The 5 Precepts of Taoism

  • No Murdering
  • No Stealing
  • No Sexual Misconduct
  • No False Speech
  • No Taking of Intoxicants

So simple and seemingly so little to ask. Yet what a transformation there would be in society if most people adhered to these.

Ideological Products

It is difficult to generalize about such sprawling, diverse multi-headed entities as religions, but some appear to take a core identity primarily from one of the Primal Quests. Here are some suggestions:

Taoism is mysterious and focuses on Spirituality i.e. RH'L7.

Islam is controlling and focuses on Obedience i.e. RH'L6.

Christianity is sin-preoccupied and focuses on Salvation i.e. RH'L4.

Buddhism is atheistic and focuses on Enlightenment i.e. RH'L3.

Judaism is practical and focuses on Meaning i.e. RH'L2.

None focus on Pleasure-RH'L1, although there are philosophical efforts like EpicureanismLink to external website that offer a primary focus on pleasure in a refined way.

Is any faith paradigm built around Creativity i.e. RH'L5?

Spiritual Products

When you delve deeper into sacred writings and comments on living by spiritual leaders, you find spiritual advice. These are remarkably similar across religions and function perfectly well without any theological superstructure or cosmological stories.

  • Jesus identified two commandments (in Mathew 22:36-40) to love God and love one another—which summarized all the Law and the Prophets! This form of commandment cannot be judged in courts of law or ensured via indoctrination: so they share the nature of the Primal Injunctions.
  • The Talmud contains much wisdom developed by the great Jewish Rabbis. They had a wonderfully pithy and often amusing way of getting the point across.

Personal Codes

As some further confirmation that there is a human need for a better Self, there is a variety of invented personal codes that share the spirit of the Primal Injunctions. Different spiritual masters often create their own set but, in principle, anyone can do it.

Originally posted: 10-Jan-2013. Last updated: 15-Jan-2013