Find Inner Strength: RsH"-G2

Strength in Adversity

To deal with difficulties and cope with whatever life throws at us without ignoring or sacrificing goodness, we must find inner strength. That means handling situations of all sorts, but especially adversity—and without allowing egocentric urges to intrude excessively or inappropriately.

The vehicles of goodness can point us in the right direction and fill us with spiritual energy; and this may often suffice to trigger enlightened inputs and choices. However, reality has a way of dumping us in stressful situations. At these times, the urge to assert ego, often justified by intense emotions, rises up to overwhelm our good intentions.
ClosedFor Example:

In the face of adversity, strength is required to create something that I can see is good. But how can I deal with my ego and its over-valuation of my own wishes, emotions and biases? How do I stop myself finding a way around what is most pertinent, denying the necessity for goodness, or giving in to my impulses under pressure? The mature response is self-control (or self-restraint or self-mastery).

Q: How do you find strength? How do you exert self-control?
A:Closed You simply create strength using the vehicles of goodness combined with the creative quality inherent in communication. Keep telling yourself what you must do, over and over again, using simple and well-known mantras.

How adjacent 'vehicles of goodness' can be combined to provide ways to 'find strength' through 'mantras of self-control'.

Self-control is obtainable by using a combination of two adjacent vehicles of goodness. This generates 6 Dyads, called here: the mantras of self-control. Their function is to stabilize goodness in the face of egocentric temptations within daily life.

The result of taking heed of these mantras is to stabilize yourself in your social setting, to enable your choices to be free of inappropriate egotism, and to allow goodness to manifest.

Using mantras demands conscientiousness. In these Dyads, you can find strength in 6 distinct spheres of self-control by using the upper vehicle of goodness conscientiously while recognizing that the lower vehicle of goodness is necessary.

Introduction to the 6 Mantras

The 6 dyadic mantras requiring conscientious use are:

Accept Reality-R"G26
Stay the Course-R"G25
Be of Service-R"G24
Give an Account-R"G23
Seek the Truth-R"G22
Do What You Love-R"G21

Q: Don't you need to have strength to use the mantras?
A:Closed Not beyond what is naturally available to you. You do need the will for goodness and then you must use the two vehicles conscientiously in order to repeat and realize the mantra. Taken seriously, that provides you with the additional strength you seek, and you can move forward. Surprised? Doubtful? A full explanation is provided below and in the topics to follow.

All the mantras of self-control are challenging in their own way. They can be classified in pairs going downwards as transpersonal (or impersonal), interpersonal and intrapersonal (cf. similar classification in reverse order in the Creativity Dyads).

Transpersonal Perceiving realities beyond yourself and engaging with them is required in the upper 2 Dyads:

Accept Reality is about being in accord with aspects of reality that contravene your wishes and expectations.

Stay the Course is about sustaining a commitment regardless of emerging realities and an unknowable future.
Interpersonal Engaging with the reality of others as if it were your own is required in the middle 2 Dyads:

Be of Service is about intervening and altering the conditions of another so a need is met.

Give an Account is about helpfully sharing the description of realities relevant for others.
Intrapersonal Creating new preferred realities for yourself is required in the lower 2 Dyads:

Reach for Truth is about getting a fix on realities in a particular area of concern to you.

Do What You Love is about getting enjoyment from work or other endeavours that you choose.

ClosedThese mantras easily get spiritualized:

Explore via these Topics

1: Become Strong by Talking to Yourself

Mantras are short communications to yourself that can lead to personal transformation, in this case enabling you to find inner strength. Each mantra is also associated with a distinctive style of social communication.

2: Overview of the Mantras

This topic introduces each mantra with some common alternative wordings and proposes a distinctive function. There is an oscillation in the Groupings in regard to the triggers generating the need for strength (ego v events) and the temporal orientation (present v future).

3: Details of Self-Control

For each mantra, there is a detailed examination of the internal structure, the egotistic temptations, the effects of a deficit on self and others, the qualities of pain and fear, and the result of excess.

4: Why These 6 Mantras?

Strength appears to operate in a set of distinct Spheres that define our Personal Uniqueness. These Spheres, 6 in number, naturally correspond to the 6 ways that the self must be controlled. (The Spheres probably belong within another taxonomic framework not yet identified.)

Originally posted: 13-Apr-2013