Architecture Overview


The Taxonomy is a model of the elements of personal functioning required by personal and social endeavours.  

Personal functioning occurs via a Root Domain that contains Primary Domains. These Domains:

  • exist to meet evolution-based needs
  • are driven by innate psychosocial pressures
  • contain the means to meet the needs and relieve the pressure.

The Root Domain deals with the Will and generates endeavours by being creative and allowing entanglement of personal functioning with actual socio-physical reality. It is structured as a Hierarchy containing 7 Levels of Will. Many of its distinctive features are overtly dependent on use of Will.

Here is where we find the drive to cope, the pressure to thrive, and the potential for creativity. The Root Domain is also home to humanity's religious commandments, and higher guides that deal with happiness, community life, and goodness. (See the Your Better Self Satellite.)

The natural language name for the Root Domain (adopted early 2015) is Will.

ClosedOther Possible Names:

Each of the Root Levels contains a Primary Domain that is similarly structured as a Hierarchy. There are, therefore, 7 Primary Domains, each named after their content, The example below shows the arrangement for the Inquiry Domain-RL2.

Although functioning within each primary domain is also will-based, many features appear to occur spontaneously or naturally. Reflective practitioners are natural inquirers who attempt to appreciate domain constituents and their significance as part of self-development and as a guide for others who seek to function better. The present taxonomic research program has been conducted in that spirit.

Everything that can exist within a Root Level has a taxonomic location somewhere in the corresponding Primary Domain. The diagram below shows all 7 Primary Domains. The 6th Level is highlighted in each Hierarchy because this is where Domain control structures are found.Each level in the Root Hierarchy emanates (i.e. contains) a similar 7-level hierarchy.

Evolutionary Drivers

To this point, the following general parameters of personal functioning have been formulated and validated:

  1. Principal Psychosocial Pressure. This property of the Root Hierarchy Level derives from the neuro-biological origins of endeavours. It is the explanation for the phenomenon of 'resonance' and for the observed 'projection' or 'correspondence' of the RH-Levels with other 7-Level taxonomic forms.
  2. Primal Need. This is the goal and value of each Root Level, and hence the rationale of structures within the Primary Domains. Meeting the Primal Need relieves the Psychosocial Pressure.
  3. Primal Means. This is how the Primal Need is met, and is located in the Domain controls. The Spiral ensures minimal satisfaction of the Primal Need and, with enough effort, enables its sophisticated handling.

The Root Domain(Will) has similar drivers: the Root Psychosocial Pressure, the Root Primal Need, and the Root Primal Means.

Domain Fundamentals & Controls

Each Domain has «fundamentals»: a triplet of structures emerging from its originating hierarchy of 7 elements. There is a Primal Vehicle that generates a Primal Effect and operates within a Primal Field. The example below shows the fundamentals for PH5-Communication.

Pattern found in Primary Domains showing th ePrimary Hierarchy, its Tree pattenr, a structural hierarchy and a Tree pattern derived from that.

These Domain fundamentals have a complicated system of embedded controls based in a Typology nested within the 6th Level. There are Principal and Subsidiary controls.

The Principal Typology Complexes control effective pursuit of particular specialized aspects of endeavour characteristic of the various Primary Domains. The Root Typology Complex has not yet been examined fully, but it appears to control coping to ensure the endeavours of personal life are sufficient for survival.

The Taxonomy as a whole is also subject to over-arching ethical controls which are found only in the WillDomain (RH)—where they specify our relation to humanity, and the Purpose Domain (RL6)—where they specify our relation to society.

The Typology Complexes

The Root or Principal Typology Complexes exist nested within Level-6 to provide control of the Root or Primary Domain Fundamentals. The image below uses PH'1 within Action-RL1 as an example.

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Complex diagram showing the Typology and Spiral complexes that control personal functioning,

The 7 Types (-H'•) are optimizers: alternative and incompatible methods to ensure the best use of the Domain Fundamentals. The 28 Subsidiary Types (of which a formalized single set of 7 is shown in the example) provide further more specialised control for discrete Arenas.

The Spiral (-H'•C) provides the Primal Means to meet the Primal Need maximally. Under an innate psychosocial pressure for performance, a minimum form of the Primal Means occurs spontaneously. With enough effort over time, development or maturation may occur until a maximally sophisticated handling is developed.

The Spiral-derived Tree(-H'•CK) represents what is required for meeting the Primal Need regardless of the stage of development on the Spiral trajectory.

The Spiral-derived Structural Hierarchy (-H'•CsH) contains the components emerging from that Spiral-derived Tree that ensure effective handling of the relevant innate psychosocial pressure.

The Spiral-derived Structural HierarchyTree (-H'•CsHK) provides for an ultimate Primal Controller that focuses on how well the Primal Need has been met i.e. the Primal Controller targets the Primal Means.

Originally posted in the Architecture Room: 15-Feb-2015. Last amended 22-May-2015.