Structural Corroboration
Using the Forms
Many THEE forms and processes have been identified so often, and validated so substantially, that they can be taken for granted and their properties used to validate.
Knowledge of THEE’s architecture allows relationships and interactions between entities to be predicted, clarified and tested. Structural features also help the process of refining names and formulations.
You may, for example:
- Observe a duality. However, there are so many that a single duality would be rather difficult to locate. The reverse is easier: we know that Structural Hierarchies, if well understood, reveal a series of dualities that unfold dialectically. Such dualities will be extremely difficult to discover if the Structural Hierarchy is poorly formulated.
- Recognize a set of 3, 4, or 5 things that seem important. You must then carefully locate them and make stringent checks for validity using existing knowledge of THEE forms. Read how I handled a set of 4 that came to my attention.
- Identify a new 7-level hierarchy in psychosocial life. Do you wish to consider how structural corroboration might impinge on such a proposition? See the next dropdown.

- Any 7 level hierarchy needs its own distinctive name as well as good names for each Level. This can be quite difficult. The names must have well-formulated functions (i.e. functional definitions) so the entities can be easily recognized and discussed.
- The hierarchy should manifest an oscillating duality i.e. sharp differences between odd- and even-numbered Levels.
- Is the hierarchy holistic &/or cumulative? i.e. does L2 include and imply L1, L3 include and imply L2 & L1, and so on?
- The proposed hierarchy should be supported by a completed matrix using a number of categories relevant to all Levels. Distinctions and relations between Levels/entities should be clarified via the properties specified in the matrix-cells.
- Does this new hierarchy resonate with others within THEE?
- Is it evident that the framework will actually help people? e.g. provide guidance, enable clearer communications, advise on relationships, reduce confusion, generate tools.
- Which Primary Hierarchy does it stem from? Where is it within that hierarchy? As all Primary Hierarchies and Principal Typologies have now been identified, it must be located in a Q-expansion structure, or in a Spiral-derived structure. There are many of these waiting to be discovered.
- Can you identify a dynamic duality and formulate a Tree with named Centres and Channels of influence?
- Any holistic 7 level hierarchy should form a Structural Hierarchy. Even without developing the whole form (i.e. the ideal corroboration), perceiving that some adjacent Levels can be grouped to produce new entities would offer some confirmatory evidence.
Example: Politics
Principal Typology for to reveal how a society’s political institutions matured. The distinctive has a satisfying feel. It was a surprise to discover that it may be speaking to the current global situation.
was investigated to demonstrate what can be achieved, given a challenge. I commenced the inquiry with rather obvious assumptions to get started. I then used theErrors in the Typology, especially errors in its ordering, would have impeded or even blocked the discovery process. Alternatively, it is possible that awareness of a developmental necessity might have forced awareness of an earlier error and its correction. In this case, an error in formulation was identified.
Structural transformations were then used to produce 3 further Frameworks, each derived from the previous one, and therefore dependent in part on the clarity and accuracy of those earlier formulations. In these latter Frameworks, some of the initial assumptions and axioms (affirmed in order to get started) were clarified and illuminated. This finding seemed more akin to a corroboration than a tautology: judge for yourself. The inquiry process started from a Typology which then indicated:
► Spiral structure for political maturation, which led directly to ...
► Tree structure for determinants of political choice, which led to ...
► Structural Hierarchy of political activities in social life, which led to ...
► Tree structure for handling social tensions via politics.

The temporal order of the spiral of political maturation-PH'6C allowed discovery of the framework of political choice which operates regardless of the stage of maturation. The Tree shows how the powerful dominate in society.
That Tree in turn was used to develop a Structural Hierarchy showing political activities-PH'6CsH that we engage in or that affect us every day. If the order in the Tree had not been correct, it is extremely unlikely that this Framework could have been developed. The unfolding duality of continuity and change seemed persuasive and confirmatory.
The Structural Hierarchy in its turn could be converted to a Tree that shows how change is brought about in society-PH'6CsHK.
Structural corroboration is a demanding requirement. But genuine inquiry is always painstaking. If something new has been discovered, then that newness needs articulating as clearly and as precisely as possible. In that way, a genuine contribution can be made to the progress of humanity’s awareness of itself.
Originally posted: August 2009; Last updated 2-Feb-2014.