
The Riddle of Change: If Caterpillars can Transform, Why Can't We?

Warren Kinston 11. November 2012 11:00

Caterpillars can turn into butterflies.  Amazing!  That is what I call transforming your life!  How do they do that?transform your life

Why can't I transform my life?  Why can't we all change and stop humanity's horrors?

What is their secret?  Those voracious and destructive caterpillars turn into beautiful delicate butterflies, flitting about pollinating flowers and crops.  Stupendous! 

From destruction to goodness.  (Of course, More...


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Grasping Big New Ideas: a Taxonomy of Elements in Creating a Life as an Example.

Warren Kinston 27. October 2012 12:00

If it seems hard to get your mind around what THEE is about you are not alone.  This Taxonomy is a «Big New Idea».  I had trouble grasping it for many, many years. 

I just kept going: finding useful patterns and making useful distinctions in a state of unknowing.  Now I am clearer.  Mainly due to banging my head against reality, first trying this and then trying that. 

You have no idea how many times I have drafted the sort of explanations provided in the public pages of this website.

It must relate to my bête noir, Change-RL3.  As I noted in another blog, there are over 4 billion hits when you Google: "why people don't change". More...


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Changing Reality means Change and Reality are Bedfellows

Warren Kinston 18. April 2012 10:00

Changing Reality. Cows Courtesy Martin Lopatka

Frameworks for change will be posted when the cows come home.  Short of a miracle or the long arm of reality change striking, it's going to take years. Changing my reality here is no joke.

As I noted in an earlier despairing blog, should I even start from here?  Is the name, Change, suitable to refer to the 3rd Level in the Root Hierarchy (RL3)?

I'm pretty sure that the heart of Change, its Level 4, is stability or stabilizing. Can something that is stable be a form of change?  Probably.  If I called this Level Identity, then stabilizing would seem spot on.  The heart of any identity is surely a stable state.

If I am asked to consult or advise regarding change, my first question is:More...


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Make a New Start: The Only Solution to our Over-complicated and Unfair Tax System

Warren Kinston 27. March 2012 12:00

new start tax mess  Courtesy Ivy DawnedThe tax system is over-complicated and unfair. What is the simple solution?  What is the new start that is required?

The Glass-Steagall Act associated with the Great Depression was just 37 pages long.  It did the obvious thing of separating deposit-insured banks from firms taking investment risks.  It worked fine for decades.  The repeal of this Act in the late 1990s was the trigger-cause of the global financial crisis.  It was the step too far by the political-financial elites that was 100% predictable in THEE's schema.

Without it there would still have been a crisis of government debt or some other catastrophic malfeasance intrinsic to vested-interest plutocratic pluralism, but we would not More...


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Change | Politics

Change and the Search for Terrestrial Intelligence

Warren Kinston 11. March 2012 22:00

Change is hard. 

Have I mentioned that before?

Not just hard to do, but hard to see and hard to grasp.  I came across the superb blog of Giorgio Bertini; who covers an amazing amount of topics, all related to helping change agents.  Just look at his category cloud.  I doubt that it is just me who finds change massive and near-overwhelming.

So I'm progressing very slowly.  Here is an update on latest thoughts.  If you are new to THEE: see the graphic showing levels of WILL that also forms the framework for Personal Endeavour.

Is CHANGE the right name for Level 3 in the Root Hierarchy?  It seems to work but that does not mean it is correct.  When I was finalizing the Levels of Will, there were two levels causing me trouble.  Level-5 was then called "Naming".  It was probably because I was preoccupied with More...


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Change | Nature of the Taxonomy

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About the Author

Warren Kinston is the creator of the THEE-Online website as an open forum for the further discovery and development of THEE. He writes this blog as an escape valve for the excitement and frustrations of the work. More info here.

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