Transforming Leadership
R&T's article is titled: Seven Transformations of Leadership — but they only describe three:
● Expert ► Achiever
● Achiever ► Individualist
● Individualist ► Strategist
Only one of these is convincing; and a possible transformation is omitted.
Expert ► Achiever
The most understandable move is from being an Expert to becoming an Achiever. But antagonism between diagonally opposite quadrants is usual in a TET. This is evident here because the transformation means moving from an impersonal approach to a social approach. This would be very hard for an empiricist Expert.
However, a cause-centred Expert might be able to take up the organization with its values and goals as their «cause». That could definitely assist in developing the Achiever-style of leadership.
An Omitted Transformation
Achiever ► Strategist (i.e. ignoring the Individualist stage)…
Another general rule in a THEE TET is that types within a quadrant have an affinity, with the more extreme type seeming more sophisticated, and therefore possibly desirable.
As shown, both Achiever and Strategist share a quadrant, and some people would desire to make that transformation. To detour them via the Individualist makes little sense.
Highly Improbable Transformations
Achiever ► Individualist
The difference in awareness and sensitivity is so great that rationalists tend to be anti-reality centred. Reality-centredness tends to be anti-leadership and is often viewed as anti-organization: as one perceptive CEO explained to a reality-centred person: «you have to go despite, or rather because of, your many achievements here.»
Misunderstanding is Normal
R&T propose a role-play of a CEO counselling Sharon, the Individualist exemplar, to enable her transformation. R&T's text reflects a well-meaning ignorance of what is likely to be going on in Sharon's mind. The CEO's mentality (whatever it may be) is likely to have difficulty appreciating Sharon's perspective: e.g. Someone like Sharon might well initially accept the CEO's carefully coached speech. However, it goes on too long. Soon boredom and irritation with its propriety and niceness would set in. As the encouragement proceeded, a sense of frustration would grow inside her until an experience of contempt would erupt and need suppression to maintain politeness. Either fidgety movements or impassivity would occur, while unvoiced internal thoughts would be advising her to exit the organization even sooner than planned. Which, in fact, she did anyway.
THEE Observation
This would be a cross-domain move. However, there is no reason to expect any association or any transition between being reality-centred (ethics-based), personal capability (communication-based), and systemicist decision-making (action-based). These mentalities exist in connected but markedly different realms of our psychosocial world.
Individualist ► Strategist
This is also an unlikely move. The Strategist is an identity state that does not allow for quick and easy identification by others, and offers no inducement unless the potential already exists—as it will in some proportion of cases. In practice, a reality-centred person may (or may not) have the capacity to work as a Strategist. They two identity states are in distinct realms of human functioning.
THEE's Approach to Transformation
► Do You Really Want to Transform?
R&T's discussion emphasizes the desirability of transformation. It may well be desirable from the perspective of the organization, but that does not make it automatically desirable from the perspective of a person. Personal growth is not a requirement for life. It is perfectly reasonable for people to function as they are and to develop as feels appropriate to them. There is certainly no shortage of work for capable achievers, be they Opportunists, Experts, Achievers, or Strategists.
► How Does Personal Transformation Occur?
It just happens. It is unstoppable. Often a transformation occurs through searching to become authentically yourself as distinct from the person you have been reared, taught or socialized to be. Anyone who genuinely wants even more significant personal development will sooner or later find the right situation or the right person to assist them.
► Do Organizations Need to Transform?
Yes! Yes! Yes! While personal transformation is not to be pushed unduly, the transformation of organizations and even society is something else entirely. These are the contexts within which people live, work and express themselves. Big improvements are urgently required to meet minimum standards of productivity, compassion, and psychological health. Re-read TOP's visionary goal.
► A THEE-Eye View of the Future
If our societies and our organizations became more humane and realistic, they would enable the full play of personal autonomy and responsibility. That way, far more could be achieved: both for the person and for the group or organization. This is not yet widely understood, even though it is by far the most positive and practical possibility for assisting individuals and benefiting society. As contexts improve and values mature, personal development will emerge simply and spontaneously as a side-effect of living and working well.
Last Updated: 12-Jan-2012