TOP Newsletter #2: 14 July 2011
Dear Member,
In this issue, I have news of more framework posting, more under-the-hood technology improvements, and even more confirmation of ideas. Much effort goes into making your use of the site as safe, as stable, and as trouble-free as possible.
Framework Posting
- The Primary Hierarchy of Communication (PH5) has now been completely posted.
- There have been further posts of Frameworks for Deciding and Achieving:
- Comparing the decision methods
using a Typology Essences Table (TET).
- Strengthening the Management Culture
- Comparing the decision methods
- I strongly encourage you to get your mind around the principles and use of the TET. It is an amazing structure: one never before identified.
- Posting of topics relevant to the Root Hierarchy—Hierarchy of Personal Endeavour (= Levels of Will)—has also commenced with the first half of Actualization & Transcendence
. It may sound mysterious but we all do it all the time, and it is always good to know what you are doing.
Confirmation in Current Psychosocial Reality
The prediction of the spiral of political maturation, made in 2009, seems to be increasingly validated all around the world. For your own comfort and safety, you should at least be aware of what the moves to the Legitimist Mode (authoritarian societies) and Conventionalist Mode(developed democracies) broadly entail. Remember Pericles: Just because you are not interested in politics, does not mean that politics is not interested in you.
Mobile App and More Frameworks
I am currently exploring developing a mobile app for the framework of Purpose and Value. This would gut my big book and be in a far simpler and easier style, mainly graphics with little text. It will be a creativity toy for edutainment, and will cost very little. The same material will appear (free as usual) on , but to meet TOP standards of completeness and explanation will take more work (and time).
This effort will not impede the posting of more frameworks on the TOP website, or alter that schedule. More fascinating material in Deciding and Achieving, Endeavour and Communication is on the way. It is just that the time that I previously devoted to web development is now being channeled to this mobile app development. It seems I am addicted to endless frustration in grappling with yet another new software technology.
Other News
To know immediately about all developments and changes, subscribe to the RSS news feed, or download the new TOP Google RSS gadget. You will see it at the lower right corner of the home page.
Small changes in topics are being made all the time: mainly typos, style and layout improvements. But sometimes the substance is changed. In the coming weeks/months, every topic-page will indicate date of first posting, and latest significant update. (You will see it at the very bottom on the right in green.) “Significant” refers to changes to naming, formulation, explanations, or correction of facts. Major changes (e.g. affecting a whole framework) will be announced via RSS and details provided in the Notices under the relevant heading. (I hope these will be rare.)
Spread the Word
If you find the TOP website interesting, or believe the website is important, then let others know. If you have a personal blog or website, then you may wish to contact our webmaster to get a neat small piece of code with a clickable thee-online logo so your visitors can see and access TOP easily. If you are a twitterer, then tweet about the site.
Contribute Ideas, Time, Anything
The majority of ideas contributed by users have been acted on. The website is improved for all as a result. If you have an idea for the TOP site, I want to hear it. Email me personally or post it.
If you want to contribute in other ways, that would also be good. Let me know.
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