TOP Newsletter #4: 10-Feb-2012
Writing these Newsletters feels more like Reports to the Board than friendly notes about TOP, but I now do have a way to communicate more informally.
It is my blog on the website: simply called WK’s Blog. It contains short items that just come to me as something I would enjoy sharing with friends who dropped by at that moment. Visit the blog, and make a comment if anything catches your interest.
I am also going to try it as a method for getting help with specific taxonomic issues—mainly for frameworks that are discovered but not yet fully worked out. I have already posted the first.
See more about this initiative in the
section below.Frameworks & Posting
Development of new frameworks has been exciting and I am pleased that posting of frameworks also continues unabated. I now have a posting program for all of 2012 and going into 2013. So let’s look at where matters stand now.
Management in Organizations
The final frameworks dealing with tensions around employment. This had to differentiate between the issues for anyone who is employed
within an organization, and the rather different issues for the management who represent
the organization. The two dynamic frameworks show interesting complementarity, which is highly relevant for managers, because they are simultaneously employees. Comparisons are made and shown in the Review section.
Creativity in Your Endeavours
The components of creativity appeared in January. Before February is out, a review of this structural hierarchy, and some applications will appear. There is an obvious application to organizations: because certain features of creativity cause issues there. To my surprise, there was also a nice application to long-term relationships—because these do not just happen. They have to be created—continually. Hope you like it.
Your Better Self
This is a set of frameworks that govern, or should govern, our lives. They deal with the
—or rather as there is a set, one of which you find that you have chosen. These systems seem to be the basis for feeling happy. I call them . The proved rather surprising: although a Typology, they can form a Tree … it just depends on using your imagination more or less as mankind has done since he emerged from apehood.Then there is a nested hierarchy of special rules that apply to the whole of humanity, not just your society. I call them
. There are also other frameworks so there is a lot to discover. Nevertheless, I feel cautiously optimistic that posting can commence in the second quarter of this year.Communication: Use of Language
This is the big challenge that awaits me next. It is a massive task that may well keep me busy composing and posting for at least 18-24 months.
Social Media
I want to make it easier for people to find the website and, more importantly, engage with it. So I have got a social media program going. Having sworn never to write a blog because it was beyond my ability, I have accepted that it is merely beyond my comfort-zone. So I have found a way to get sort of comfortable and produce short items that seem interesting to me … and to a few people that I test it on to make sure. Visit here and if you like it, let me know.
As a way to make engagement with THEE frameworks easier, Tom K. is producing a blog about them from his own personal perspective. Tom is a journalist and he has pretty much free rein to write as and how he pleases. His highly readable articles are available here. Because of his interest in the Occupy Movement, the initial blogs are about politics and how THEE's Spiral of Political Maturation
provides an illuminating perspective. However, future blogs will be about other THEE ideas as published on the website.
To provide relevant TOP information in a timely way, I now have a Twitter account: @WarrenKinston —so you can follow me if you wish. I now tweet new postings of frameworks or special pages to the website, and newly published blogs of mine or Tom’s. There are also other tweets, but rarely more than once or twice a day. It’s taking me time to get the hang of it and learn exactly how to use Twitter most constructively.
Facebook naturally has to play a part in any social media effort. I currently run two pages: a THEE Online Website page, and a personal
page. While it duplicates Twitter, it also permits other things that Twitter does not. Again, this is very much in an emerging-developing stage.
My iPad app now sits in a state of suspended animation. I have developed the principles, a business concept, and a demo dealing with
, but I need to find the right technical lead and also a games enthusiast.That’s all for now,
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