Oscillating Dualities can be Reversed
What is Oscillation?
In all THEE hierarchies, the odd and even Levels take up polar opposite positions on some essential aspect of the phenomenon being handled. This is called the «oscillating duality».
Although usually easy to identify, the oscillation is poorly understood. One likely function is to ensure that the Levels do not merge diffusely into each other as part of a continuum, but exhibit a sharp discontinuities.
Forced Reversal
This section examines an accidental finding: the «forced reversal» of the oscillating duality. It was initially discovered during development of the : see details.
Is it possible to take an element that «naturally» exhibits one pole of any duality and force it to manifest the polar opposite? If something is other than its nature, then it is surely not quite itself anymore. That is exactly what was found here: the function of the element changes and, in THEE, function defines the identity of an element.
The challenge now is to investigate this finding and learn more about its taxonomic and practical significance (if any).
Proposition: If you make a deliberate effort to alter the natural pole of any element, or if circumstances conspire to that end, then the result will be a shift away from
as the primary psychosocial focus.No judgement is made as to whether or not such a shift of focus is worthwhile. (That would be a matter for those in the situation.)
The Inquiry
In order to investigate this proposition, the following questions need answers:
- Is «forced reversal» a general phenomenon of all THEE hierarchies?
I will consider the oscillating duality in a sample of well-validated Typologies, Spiral hierarchies and Structural hierarchies, plus the Root.
- Is «forced reversal» generally applicable to ?
I will examine the oscillating duality in all 7 Primary Hierarchies, revisiting in more detail, and offering provisional conjectures in other hierarchies not yet fully validated.
- Is there a general pattern and, if so, what is its significance?
This will depend upon the findings in the present investigation.
- Consider some general inquiry issues.
- Check for forcible reversal in other varieties of hierarchy.
- Commence detailed investigation of each Primary Hierarchy.
- Jump to the review for conclusions and further analysis.
Initial draft: 2-May-2013