Graphic Representation Introduction
This section is not concerned with contents of the taxonomy, but only with its structures, their links and derivations. Some images will be live: click on structural elements to be taken to an image with more detail.
The various structures are currently being investigated and posted as time and success allow.
The organisation of the taxonomic structures is briefly presented in the next Topic.
Trees: All holistic hierarchies (i.e. all structures except for Principal Typologies-PH•) form a Tree. So Trees may not be shown on the diagrams to reduce complexity. A summary of Tree locations is provided here.
Dualities: Dualities are not structures, but rather tensions or dynamics within structures. They occur in all structures and are not graphically represented here.
- Basics are noted here.
- See more detail and examples in the Hub
- For an investigation of oscillating dualities, go here.
Draft updated: 1-Oct-2014