Change in Practice via the Dynamic Duality

L1: Variation

Introduce variation centre at level-1

A variation is personally controlled but must respect and adjust to the social environment. Conversely, even if a variation appears possible, it will not occur unless it is simultaneously in someone's personal interest or socially valuable. So this Level is balanced.

There is therefore a single balanced Centre:
L1B is labeled Introduce Variation

L2: Alteration

Specify alterations centre at level-2

An alteration is similar. It may have to be imposed, but it must still respect and adjust to social expectations and factors in the environment. Even if the socio-physical environment enables or suggests an alteration it will not occur without premeditation. So this Level is balanced.

There is therefore a single balanced Centre:
L2B is labeled Specify Alterations

L3: Improvement

An improvement can be socially determined based on what is viewed as better taking into account the people and forces in the situation. However, a person on the spot may become aware of an opportunity to make a situation better without anything previously agreed and regardless of political or other social pressures.

Bipolar arrangement for improvement at level-3

So this level in the Tree will generate two polarized but connected Centres:
L3S and L3P.

L3S is labeled Determine Valuable Improvements

L3P is labeled Shape Emergent Opportunities

These two Centres will naturally affect each other. The easiest and therefore dominant function is the use of opportunities that emerge and this L3P-Centre will therefore be placed on the right in the Tree diagram.

Influence between these two Centres involves each looking carefully, and perhaps critically, at what is being proposed.

L3S L3P is provisionally labeled Focus

L4: Sustenance

Ensure entity sustenance centre at level-4

Sustenanceis typically planned and deliberate while simultaneously drawing on what is immediately required, given and available. It is not possible to sustain opportunistically if there is no logical need for that sustenance. So the Level is balanced.

There is therefore a single balanced Centre:
L4B is labeled Ensure Sustenance of the Stage

L5: Adaptation

When the inner or outer environment generates otherwise unmanageable stresses, there is a need to determine and get social agreement to adaptations that will handle them. Quite apart from such systematic handling, spontaneous adjustments to such events can be expected.

Bipolar arrangement for adaptation at level-5

So this level in the Tree will generate two polarized but connected Centres:
L5S and L5P.

L5Sis labeled Introduce Essential Adaptations

L5P is labeled Expect Spontaneous Adjustments

These two Centres will affect each other. The essential adaptations that have been organised, planned and agreed are the most important. So this L5S-Centre will be dominant and must be placed on the right in the Tree diagram.

Influence between these Centres involves recognition that the environment must be handled one way or another as promptly and effectively as possible.

L5S L5P is provisionally labeled Release

L6: Representation

Those involved in any change must come to an agreement as to how the situation is to be pictured and communicated. However, it is unavoidable that individuals will have their own personal perceptions of the situation and the required change, which may be valuable and require consideration.

Bipolar arrangement for representing centres at level-6

So this level in the Tree will generate two polarized but connected Centres:
L6S and L6P.

L6Sis labeled Choose Applicable Representations

L6P is labeled Encourage Personal Perceptions

These two Centres will affect each other. However, the social choice of a representation will necessarily be dominant. So this L6S-Centre will be placed on the right in the Tree diagram.

Influence between these Centres involves getting each to accept the other as realistic and inevitable.

Representation-L6S Representation-L6P
is provisionally labeled Reconcile

L7: Transformation

Envisage transformaton centre at level-7

Transformation involves an interaction between the imagination, which is intrinsically personal, and the reality, which is intrinsically social. Neither can function without the other. So this Level is balanced.

There is therefore a single balanced Centre:
L7Blabeled Envisage Transformation

Originally posted: 30-May-2024