Necessary Action: CL1

Pragmatism is about Action

Action is the final common pathway for organizations to survive and develop. So, irrespective of other matters, organizations absolutely require people to do things that are needed, often without too much delay.

Any choice that stays only as words—good intentions or fat documentation—is irrelevant. Decisions must be translated into action—or in what sense are they decisions?

Without confidence that necessary action can be taken immediately, whatever the situation, the organization is in crisis. The capacity to do something is therefore the final common pathway and foundation of organizational life—and its origin lies in the pragmatic mode (CL1).

«Individual v Organization» Tension

Basis of organizational life: Taking necessary action

Can an organization take action independently of at least one of its employees taking action?  Obviously not.

Can an employee do anything at work that is not simultaneously regarded as his own action as well as being an action of the organization? Obviously not.

So at this level the «individual v organization» duality is balanced i.e. fused or synthesized and there is just one centre, as represented at right.

Action, however, must not be wild—it must have some justification; it must be checked and, if things go wrong, someone must explain what happened. Of course, in some cases, the absence of action requires explanation.

Originally posted: 17-Sep-2011