Review & Applications

Framework for organizational achievement created from essences of modes in the strengthening management culture spiral.

The Spiral-derived Tree

The THEE-Tree diagram (PH'1-CHK) shows the framework for organizational achievement. It has been developed by using the 7 Modes of achievement to identify specific choices. The nature of choices and their influence on each other has been developed step by step.

In this structure, the Pragmatic Centre-CL1 is the wild card: not only does it lack a direct link to choice of values and goals, it is indifferent or doubtful about inquiry-based levels entirely. In addition, political influences on it can bypass the Accountability Centre-CL2—and will certainly do so if roles and reporting relationships are weak. See the review of how to «get action right».

ClosedTHEE Note on Derivation of the Framework 

The Spiral for strengthening the management culture (PH'1-C) revealed the requisite sequence for cumulating values of all the modes. In the Tree for organizational achievement, the same sequence applies, but the 7 modes become 7 levels. These 7 modes derived originally from the corresponding approaches to decision-making (PH'1). While the decision methods are incompatible and are applied singly, the sets of values of the achievement modes/levels are compatible and continually interact. The compatibility, at least in terms of emergence and influence, is affected by the positioning of the mode within the Spiral or the Tree. See further explanation of numbering.

Dynamic Development of 10 Centres

Applying to each level the dynamic duality, individual v organization, which is intrinsic to organizational achievement, leads to:

1 balanced Centre in CL1, CL2, CL4 and CL7;
2 linked polar Centres in CL3, CL5, and CL6.

The 10 Centres are distinct spheres of choices that can and should be made over and over again by those within organizations.

The 22 Channels are pathways of influence between Centres/Choices. The dynamism means that all Centres simultaneously function, and have the potential to influence each other—but only along those Channels. These influences show up as social behaviours intrinsic to work within organizations; each Channel having its own distinct function and name.

ClosedTHEE Note 

The THEE-names suggested for Channels in «determinants of achievement by organizations» were largely taken from another Tree dealing with «organizing the management of organizations». This framework, developed many years ago, is not yet posted. The channel names were carefully checked with the result that several Channels needed re-naming. These were:

One additional name change was required. The channel from: L5-Group Conviction from Corporate Data to L3: Resolutions of Power-based Disputes. On further checking, the name in the original Tree seemed to be in error so the new name was applied there. As a result, the parallel between the two Tree frameworks in the lower section (L5 - L1) has remained. This resonance deserves further exploration.

More on the sections of the Tree.

Having reviewed the whole picture:

Originally posted: 29-Sep-2011