Provide Management

Hierarchy of the management's handling of employees within an organization.

The organization requires its management to provide management. The management is expected to find good staff, maintain discipline and sustain the high morale associated with good performance. The inter-level Channels provide these fundamental requirements.

Management, in regard to dealing with employment, is made up of:

■ Necessary prerequisites (CG7 CG6)
■ Appropriate conduct (CG6 CG5)
Justifications for adapting (CG5 CG4)
■ Its own credibility (CG4 CG3)
Facilitation of employee working (CG3 CG2)
Management arrangements (CG2 CG1) — already described.

Each inter-level interaction involves two or more Channels because there are two Centres in at least one of the levels. Except for the lowest:►Closed where the mutual interaction: Assigning Authority-CG2BSetting Expectations-CG1B is about arrangements that the management introduces to enable management.

Management Prerequisites (CG7 CG6)

Use Incentives-CG7Adhere to Policies-CG6
This is about providing the possibility of management within an organization. Without incentives there would be no staff; and without a requirement for adherence to strategies and policies, staff would be undisciplined and their work chaotic.
ClosedBoth Channels are essential:►

Management Conduct (CG6 CG5)

Adhere to Policies-CG6Devise Adaptations-CG5
This is about how management behaves amidst the changing work demands and social pressures that constitute daily life within an organization. There are 4 potential channels.
ClosedTwo Channels are essential: ►

ClosedTwo Channels should not exist:►

Management Justification (CG5 CG4)

Linking across levels provides the necessary management of people and processes.

Devise Adaptations-CG5Report on Employees-CG4
Being flexible in an organization is essential and yet inherently problematic. Reports on employees will reveal effects of the offered adaptations and be used to justify them. Conversely reports may indicate the need for flexibility. So this is about how management deals with the evidence of how it is running the organization and handling the employees. Management offers justifications.
ClosedBoth CG5 Centres are relevant:►

Management Credibility (CG4 CG3)

Report on Employees-CG4Apply Resources-CG3.
This is about how reports reflect on the ability of management to get staff to produce the desired results. Reports will affect the resources applied, and the resources applied will affect the reports developed. Credibility here lies in the eyes of other managers and relevant employees. Without credibility, it is hard to manage.
ClosedBoth CG3 Centres are relevant:►

Management Facilitation (CG3 CG2)

Apply Resources-CG3Assign Authority-CG2.
This is about how management must act so as to get the best out of the employees for whom they are responsible. Managers put staff into posts, they give them work, they determine authority—if things go badly wrong, then it is highly likely that either staff matching was wrong or the work-definition &/or authority assignment was poor, or managers are breathing down the necks of their subordinates.
ClosedBoth CG3 Centres are relevant:►



Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011