Centres and channels in the Tree pattern for management's handling of employees.

Complete Tree for Management

The complete picture for handling employment with provisional Channel names is somewhat complex as evident from the diagram at right.

However, the best way to get a feel for the Centres and Channels is by considering the effect on management of selected parts of the framework. The following are provided for your reflection.

The Star of Interdependence: all Centres except CG1

The Diamond of BureaucracyCG7-CG6-CG4
(including the Pendant of Petronius)

The Triangle of ImpositionCG7 - CG6

The Rectangle of CompromiseCG6-CG5

The Square of ThoughtfulnessCG5-CG3

The Tetrahedron of ProductivityCG3-CG2-CG1

You can also go here to see this Tree f side-by-side with the Tree used by employees to handle being employed.

EITHER explore the above patterned fragments.


Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011