Validity of g- Qualities in Creativity 


Each internal level in the 28 Groups of a Structural Hierarchy has the formula g# and appears to have its own distinctive quality. The result is that there are 7 distinct qualities corresponding to g1 to g7. These «g-qualities» need to be determined as part of any inquiry involving this form.

The g-qualities are significant in two ways:

  • practically: they help in designing choices or activities or analysing errors
  • theoretically: they provide validity via internal structural corroboration

Nothing in a Structural Hierarchy is easy to identify and formulate and this applies to the 7 g-qualities also. In the initial Structural Hierarchies, the Framework was covering areas intensively studied over many years. So, in retrospect, the formulations seemed relatively straightforward—even if they may yet be proved wrong or insufficient.

Discovery of Two THEE-Inquiry Principles

Over time and following discoveries, two «THEE-inquiry principles» were identified to assist investigation of the g-qualities. Here they are in their order of discovery.

Principle of «Monad Correspondence»

The first discovery, made a long time ago in relation to levels of work-responsibility, was that the g-quality was related in some way to the Level in the originating hierarchy and visible in the G1-Monads. This has proved itself as a useful principle.

Of course, this principle is rarely simple to apply. The Monads in most cases, including here, cover a vast area; and knowledge is limited, fragmentary and uncertain. However, the principle can still guide the imagination (which can access otherwise unknown parts of THEE), and this may even feed back to reveal something new.

See this principle applied to creativity in work-RsHClosedby clicking here:

Principle of «Grouping Correspondence»

As reported, following posting of the Politics frameworks, it has become evident that each Grouping in a Structural Hierarchy (or at least those derived from a Spiral) has a particular affinity for a particular Root Level &/or its Primary Hierarchy &/or possibly its Primary Structural Hierarchy.

The pattern was initially identified in two Spiral-based Structural Hierarchies, political participation and expectations and obligations of employment, as shown here:

Linkage between Root Levels and political hierarchies, simple and structural.


This ordering is now emerging as an investigative principle during examination and formulation of new Structural Hierarchies. In practice, its main impact appears to be in determining the nature of the Groupings, whose Groups possess g-qualities in accord with their internal Levels. The new Grouping is fundamental for the Framework and distinct from lower Groupings due to the additional internal Level and its g-quality. The Grouping, itself, appears to have the g-quality of the highest internal Level.

See this principle applied to the present Framework Closedby clicking here:

This principle is somewhat easier to apply to g-qualities, so long as its use has not inappropriately distorted identification of the Grouping and its Groups.

Qualities in Creativity-RsH

Creativity posed particular issues due to its fundamental nature at the Root of THEE. So many possibilities emerged that it dragged out the investigation as first one then another was tested to destruction, often by being applied and leading me up the garden path. In this webpage, each of the qualities selected will be briefly reviewed and the basic thinking indicated with reference to the two THEE-Inquiry Principles above.

Suggest further alternatives for any of the levels in the Comments section.

g7 = wholehearted

A suitable challenge-RG7 assumes that you give yourself heart and soul to finding a creative resolution. This process produces positivity RG71. So the extra Level, being fully willing, needs to be wholehearted, for courage to be evoked.

In this case, both the Grouping Principle and the Monad Principle reveal Willingness PH7/RHL7 as the key. This then repeats the essence of the extra Level which is being fully willing-RL7.


g6 = deliberate

Having chosen the challenge wholeheartedly, the task of rising to it creatively depends on allowing immersion-RG6 in it. The challenge has numerous difficult aspects, each of which may require a creative breakthrough-RG6. So one or more must be selected at any time and fully engaged with. Immersion can be frightening, and time and energy are the creator's most precious resources, so choices here must be imagined and then a preoccupation or an experiment must be deliberately identified and attempted.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Experience-PH4

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Purpose-RHL6


g5 = adaptive

Mustering perseverance-G5 in the face of blocks, failures, difficulties and set-backs of all sorts must be realistic. Persevering mindlessly is neither wise nor creative. Your regimens for vantage-RG5 require you to look at what is going on, and what is possible for you and relevant to the challenge. Then you must focus energy there. I used adaptively to capture this orientation to effort.

Motivation requires adapting of your communications. Justification requires adapting of your purposes. Determination requires adapting your willingness.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Change-PH3

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Communication-RHL5


g4 = reflective

Channeling commitment-RG4 to activate and amplify capability-RG4 is not something that is implicit or automatic. You are exposed to risk of course, but that was always the case. So being open, exposed and vulnerable becomes part of the creativity process here. For this to occur safely, there is a requirement that channeling commitment occur reflectively.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Inquiry-PH2

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Experience-RHL4


g3 = shrewd

Enthusiasm-RG3 must be used to foster progress of the creative resolution, whatever it may be. It can provide a charge that gets you going and generates support-RG3 from others too. But everyone has their own personality and agenda—even you do. So you have to work on yourself and others in a way that is viable and fits with personal experiences, social situations and ongoing activities. That requires a minimum of penetrating insight and so enthusiasm must be focused shrewdly

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Action-PH1

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Change-RHL3


g2 = sensible

Conviction-RG2 in regard to possibilities, however desirable, is hazardous because it so easily leads to enthusiasm-RG3 and commitment-RG4, with all that those states entail in terms of precious time and energy. So you must take into account what is known and recognize unknowns, and you must use sound judgement about how things are, what might work and what is simply not feasible. To develop credibility, you must do all this in a way that is sensible.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Communication-PH5

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Inquiry-RHL2


g1 = meaningful

refers to: ensuring significant movement in the status quo relevant to the challenge. Every action should be meaningful, and every one of the 28 Groups should be handled meaningfully.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Purpose-PH6

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Action-RHL1


Originally posted: 17-Feb-2012