Review & Recapitulation
Two Ways to Think about Creativity
There is a right way to think about creativity and a wrong way.
The picture of creativity discovered and developed here depends on intensifying the higher transcendental levels in the and keeping them in continuous operation. This is typically enabled within THEE by the Structural Hierarchy form.
The Components of Creativity
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involves many components that operate independently, simultaneously and interactively. The use of the framework is spontaneous and may be barely conscious for someone functioning naturally. The full picture is shown below:
To properly understand each of the components (i.e. Groups), specific qualities have been provisionally assigned to the internal Levels. These qualities characterize each particular Grouping.
Read more on identifying these qualities.
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Recap on the Story
The Groupings. This recapitulation of the is described by working our way downwards.
were identified as we progressed up theis to propel you to embark on a worthwhile task (or project or venture) despite its evident difficulties for you and uncertainties that might lead to failure. , are mastered through the evocation of . This does not remove fear, but rather enables a that keeps your head in the right place as you address the .
However, nothing significant happens until you address uncertainties and get to grips with whatever makes the challenge feel like a challenge.

However, your breakthroughs depend on their integration and contribution to the continuing progress of your project, even if this is sometimes slow and painful.
. is to put you in a position that maximizes your chances to overcome the certain difficulties and inevitable obstacles for your project, whether these are internal (e.g. doubts, negativity) or external (e.g. set-backs, failures). requires the establishment of regimens to which you adhere regardless of eventualities. You must be to make progress, even if the steps are tiny, continually your activities to remain rational and avoid blind alleys or sacrifice traps, and ensure to sustain your energetic participation.
However, perseverance is only as effective as the personal strengths you can bring to bear.
. is to handle any demands of the . However your full capabilities are only released if you inject commitment and identify yourself with the project. You usually discover strengths that you never knew you had. is injected by a to your project, becoming about progress, with ideas, and through experience.
However, commitment does not provide everything needed: you must stimulate inputs from yourself and others.
. is to confirm the value of your efforts as well as to access willing appropriate input. is based on yourself in relation to the many activities demanded by your challenging project. You may need to handle others similarly.
However, enthusiasm must rest on a growing credibility in regard to what you intend.
. is to provide reassurance and enable credibility in your approach to the . is deepened when you , become , generate useful , take of your project, that allow movement, and tasks.
However, confidence and conviction depend on unleashing your inner drive so as to move forward freely and powerfully.
. is to release personal energies for your own purposes. flows through the conduits of (which are the same elements as the requires that the higher
Your reserves of willpower await the experience of a worthy challenge—which takes us back to where we started: RsH-G7.
Next Steps
- Consider the catalysts for creativity.
- Notice the different orientations, inner v outer, of the various Groupings.
- Are there degrees of creativity?
- How to view blocks to creativity.
- What does failure mean?
- What happens to creativity in organizations?
- Look behind the curtain to see how qualities of the internal levels are identified.
Originally posted: 31-Jan-2012