How the Root Spiral Differs

Conversion of Types to Modes in the principal typologies.

Specifying the Root TET

The Root Domain is not a direct replica of the Primary Domains. In the studies completed so far, the Root is akin to the RL6/PH6-Purpose Domain insofar as:

a) Both Domains provide ethical guidance: Root for Goodness, Purpose for Rightness

b) Both Domains have well developed tertiary hierarchy complexes.

The conversion of Types to Modes in PH’6 follows the pattern of other Primary Domains where Mode-1 is generated by Type 3 and the other Types are arranged as shown in the top diagram on the right.

While this pattern might apply to the Quest conversions, it might not. The way to resolve this uncertainty is simply to follow the correct logical procedure for locating Types on a TET. This requires 3 steps as follows:

Characteristics of each quadrant in the 2x2 table for plotting Primal Quests.
  1. Specifying the relevant field.
  2. Defining axes that represent the social output dimension (X-axis) and personal requirement dimension (Y-Axis) of the field.
  3. Plotting the Types on the TET

This investigation was completed as part of exploring the Quests.

Re Step 1: The field is our interaction with reality.

Re Step 2: The axes are:

X-axisTranscendence of Current Reality
Y-AxisDetachment from Ego/Self

Leading to a TET as shown in the second diagram at right.

Re Step 3: Plotting the Primal Quests produced a distinctive pattern, with the only plot in common with the Primary Domain TETs being Type-4 becoming Mode-3 as shown in the third diagram at right.

Conversion of Types to Modes when the Primal Quest typology is plotted on a TET.

This layout proved extremely fruitful in terms of understanding the Quests and led to some profound illuminations. It is therefore taken as established for now.

The reader is encouraged to review the Quest satellite, especially the practical aspects and the Quest comparisons. This material will be largely taken for granted in the studies that follow.

Some of the Quest TET features are shown in these thumbnails.

Quadrant properties of the Primal Quests plotted according to transcendence and detachment. : Centrifugal tendencies of the Primal Quests plotted according to transcendence and detachment. : Quadrant properties in relation to being right of the Primal Quests plotted according to transcendence and detachment.

Next Step:


Originally posted: 9-Dec-2022.