Dual Implications of the Quests

Quests underpin a “Thriving Self” & “Ways to Exist”

The Your Better Self Satellite identified the Primal Quests as governors of personal endeavours throughout life. On closer scrutiny, the Quests themselves, are not fully part of the Better Self conception. They stand on the border: their Rightness Code from (RH’) lying between the Existence Code (from RH-Endeavours) and the Goodness Code (from RH”-Primal Injunctions).

As this Satellite has now explicitly revealed, the Quests support a “Thriving Self” as well as the “Planes of Existence” previously modelled.

Quests led to development of the Tree of Good-and-Evil (RH’K) which includes both primitive and destructive/demonic states as well as advanced and constructive/divine states.

Now the Quests have been viewed as the basis for Modes of Thriving. The Spiral, which is developed on the TET as these Modes cumulate, is about a self preoccupied with surviving and, when surviving is done well, thriving. In other words the Spiral traces out increasing sophistication in coping with everyday life.

In developing the RH”K Tree for a better communal existence, it was emphasized that we needed to have an “everyday self” that kept our focus firmly on survival and self-interest. So striving on the Practical Plane-RH’L1 was taken for granted and good and evil are fused in that Plane. Good and evil are also fused on the adjacent higher Mindful Plane-RH’L2.

Coping and thriving occur on both the Practical and Mindful Planes defined by the Quests. Coping can commence with a person solely on the Practical plane, but movement to the next Mode, Meaning, generates a requirement to operate on the Mindful Plane.

In short, the present study suggests that it is possible to cope and survive as an Instrumental Being, but it is not possible to thrive there.

It does not appear to be necessary for a person to operate on the Awareness Plane-RH'L3 (i.e. as an Awakened Being) to thrive on life or any higher plane. If the Spiral can indeed be completed on the Mindful Plane, that means it is likely accessible to most people.

Comparing the Two Quest-Generated Trees

Thriving Tree from the Quests
  Existence Tree from the Quests
Tree pattern showing objective determinants of thriving.   Tree pattern showing what is involving in sustaining human existence.

Both the Thriving Tree-RH'CHK and Existence Tree-RH'K have Centres emerging from the Primal Quests. However, the ordering of the levels naturally differs, as shown in the diagrams and listed in the Table below.

on Life
Planes of Existence
KL7 RL'7 RL'7
KL6 RL'6 RL'6
KL5 RL'1 RL'5
KL4 RL'3 RL'4
KL3 RL'4 RL'3
KL2 RL'2 RL'2
KL1 RL'5 RL'1

The Thriving Tree is a conventional Spiral Tree in which the Centres are complex psychosocial states based on a system of values. The Planes of Existence Tree is based on the notion of Model Beings.

Coping Values vs Goodness Precepts

Operating your better self is something distinct from coping.

ClosedReminder of Your Better Self

The Communal Betterment Tree is an unusual Tree in which the Centres are specific rules or principles to be followed, each derived from a particular Quest.

e.g. The Pleasure Quest (RH'L3) generates a simple and easy to understand Precept to “get enjoyment” (RH"L1B) in the Better Self Tree. By contrast, it generates a recognition of the need for “recuperation” (RH’CKL1P) and “association with positive people” (RH’CKL1S) in the Thriving Tree—and it can be difficult to ensure both of these states.

The Spirituality Quest (RL’7) generates an easy to understand if sometimes difficult to follow Precept to “see unity” (RH"L7) in the Better Self Tree. Whereas in the Thriving Tree, it generates a mental state in which a sense of destiny and participation in the cosmos (RH'CKL7B) must be activated.

Note that the Better Self Tree-RH"K has Existence (L5-7) as the context for Goodness (L1-4), while the Thriving Tree-RH'CK has Stability (L5-7) as the context for Entanglement (L1-4).

Goodness does play a part in coping and thriving, but it is not goodness for its own sake. For example, the Spiral model calls for a positive outlook (μ1), values (μ2), caring (μ3), virtues (μ4), responsibility(μ6), and healing(μ7). In all these cases, the item is one of a system and not something that stands alone, which suggests the mode will still function even with some deficit in these goodness-related items.

Originally posted: 9-Dec-2022