Future Studies

Posted Work

Completed as at December 2015

■ Development of the Primary Hierarchy-PH2:

  • Distinguish the 7 Levels of Inquiry
  • Clarify the Oscillating Duality

■ Development of the Principal Typology-PH'2:

  • Distinguish the 7 fundamental Research Methods with their principal assumptions and procedures.
  • TET analysis for a deeper understanding of similarities and differences.

Work to be Done

■ Development of the Primary Hierarchy-PH2:

  • Formulate the Structural hierarchy-PsH2, which is the desired effect of any inquiry
  • Formulate the Structural hierarchy Tree-PsH2K, which is the field of inquiry.

■ Further Development of the Principal Control Complex in terms of:

  • the Spiral-PH'2C, which develops on the TET and provides the primal means to meet the primal need of the Inquiry Domain, which is taken to be knowledge.
  • the Spiral-derived Tree-PH'2CK, which specifies the determinants of knowledge and interactions amongst these.
  • two further frameworks are also implied: the Spiral-derived Structural Hierarchy-PH'2CsH, and the  the Spiral-derived Structural Hierarchy Tree-PH'2CsHK.

■ Development of the Q Arenas-PH'2Q:

  • Formulate the 7 Arenas of Knowing.
  • Develop structures within each Arena.

Originally drafted: 31-Dec-2015. Last updated: 31-Dec-2022