Plotting the Research Methods

General properties of quadrants for research when axes are consensus orientation (X) and researcher conviction (Y).


Recall that the TET (Typology Essences Table) is a tool for displaying all Research Methods in a way that differentiates them and illuminates their relationships. As explained, their field of operation is scientific studies conducted by dedicated scholarly investigators.

The next step is to consider each method in relation to scientific studies and determine in broad terms:

  • how much each requires conviction by the researcher
  • how much each requires an orientation to the current consensus

I will follow the same investigative style used elsewhere.
TETs for Decision-making (Principal Typology: PH'1), Ethical choice (Principal Typology: PH'6), Interacting for Benefit (Subsidiary Typology: PH'6QH4), Mental Stabilization (Principal Typology: PH'4), Primal Quests (Root Typology: RH').

Start with Extreme Methods…

We place the Analytic Method at the lower left corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place the Contemplative Method at the upper left corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place the Holistic method at the upper right corner of the upper right quadrant.

Now for Centrally-located Methods…

We place the Formal method at the upper right part of the lower left quadrant.

We place the Dialectic method at the lower right part of the upper left quadrant.

We place the Empirical method at the lower left part of the upper right quadrant.

Plot the remaining Method…

Plotting Explanatory method in terms of consensus orientation and researcher conviction.

The Explanatory method (L'3) focuses on comparing possible relationships between phenomena, with the goal of explaining something real. A program of dispassionate comparisons is believed to be the way to increase certainty about causal links. The researcher is expected to maintain a balanced and unbiased view between alternative conjectures. Because the method is primarily about offering and checking possible explanations that might or might not be satisfactory, it is low to very low on researcher conviction. This places it in the lower half of the Y-axis.

Differing causal hypotheses are the bases of natural unavoidable debate within a scientific community, and investigations present themselves as clarifying, opposing or supporting the existing consensus. So the method tends to be high to very high on orientation to consensus, which means it is located on the right half of the X-axis.

Because investigators vary in how they prefer to address the need for alternative conjectures, the Explanatory method forms a diffuse ellipse within the lower right quadrant: as shown in the diagram.

The extreme ends of this ellipse reveals the Explanatory method in different and easily recognizable forms: hypothesizing at the upper left and falsifying at the lower right, with verifying as an intermediate position.

The next step is to use the above to make a variety of comparisons, starting with:

Originally drafted: 31-Mar-2015. Last amended 21-Feb-2022.