Architecture of the Arenas


The Arenas of cross-domain influence are defined by the Q-expansion of the Principal Typology. As explained in The Hub, Principal Typologies can be expanded by applying a 4-level Style Hierarchy (aka Modal Hierarchy) to each Type. This generates a 28-level structure.

Style Hierarchy and Arenas in Inquiry

The modal levels for Research Methods - PH'2 are currently formulated as: 

General structure of a Q-expansion from a principal typology showing formation of 7  arenas.
    • α: Asserting
    • β: Organising
    • γ: Contesting
    • δ: Anchoring
  • ClosedCaveat:

    The correct formulation of these styles is uncertain. The original Style Hierarchy for PH'5 was modified for PH'1, and then for the other Q-expansions as they were investigated.

    However, the pattern is broadly similar in all Domains: «α» brings the method into operation, «β» accumulates, organises and appraises the method; «γ» poses a challenge or differentiates the method; «δ» finalises or resolves use of the method.

    Speculation: Closed It has been proposed by E. Jaques that the 4 levels correspond to progressive forms of information handling i.e. declarative, cumulative, serial processing, and parallel processing.

    The full layout is shown here. The Column on the left is the Typology of Methods. The Column on the right shows the 28 styles (7 Methods x 4 Styles). The green rectangles in the centre are the Arenas generated by combining methods using the Style levels.

    Arenas are formed by combining all 4 levels of one Type together with the lower 3 Levels of the next higher Type to create a 7-level structure. The arrangement is cyclic, and so the 7th Arena is formed by 4 Levels of L'7 and the lower 3 Levels of L'1.

    Frameworks within each Arena

    Each Arena contains a variety of frameworks generated by the 7 constituent levels.

    1. Q●t: Subsidiary Typology:  the 7 levels viewed as Types, Methods, Approaches or «Ways»
    2. Q●C: Development Spiral: a trajectory of strengthening that follows the Typology order.
    3. Q●HK: Tree: a holistic hierarchy revealing determinants of the phenomenon in question.
    4. Q●sH: Structural Hierarchy: These have not yet been developed and so their quality is unknown.
    5. Q●sHK: Tree: The only prediction is that the lower content section (L1-L4) will have the same quality as the Q•HK L5-L7 context section.

    Originally drafted: 21-May-2023.