Promote Interests: L1

Essence of the Work 

To assert the current importance of a specific personal/communal need that most agree should be met in society.

Needs are experienced by all in society. Any overarching need gets affiliated with other needs or conditions: practical, customary, and ethical. Any need can also be broken down into more detailed needs based on the functional specialization of the institution.

Example Closed: 

ClosedMore on Needs & Institutions

During socialization at home, at school and in the streets, every member of society becomes aware of their needs and the various societal institutions that purport to meet them.

•Everyone experiences the full range of human needs and develops and understanding of what is important in getting those needs met.

•Every one ends up self-employed or employed within bodies that constitute one or other of the institutions whether or not they are aware of that.

•Everyone ends up sooner or later directly or indirectly associated with every institution in their society. The only outsiders within the country are tourists and temporary residents.

In a free society, no one should be hesitant to say what they need or what their community needs. While asserting a value or explaining a need is not difficult, publicizing that need in wider society requires more effort. It only occurs when it is in an individual or organisation's interest to do so.

Reform-oriented charities and umbrella organisations representing a business sector promote values best because they are constituted and funded to press for certain needs and values.

Domination of Interests

Although everyone may share a need and recognize the importance of meeting that need, only those who currently experience that need have a driving interest that leads them to seek to make an impact on the institution.

Interest can be categorized in two forms:

a) «Vested interests» which implies a stake in the outcome without any necessary concern for the overall institutional state or the well-being of the general public. Vested interest exists in two forms:

i) personal—due to current involvement via employment, or a requirement for service, or in the form of enlightened self-interest;
ii) organisational—due to a mission that depends on the institution.

b) «The public interest» which implies benefit for all citizens either now or in the future. All, including government, media and participant organisations, are expected to respect the public good—even if its exact nature may be subject to debate.

It follows that vested interests are an inescapable feature of institutions. Many observers have noted that «vested interests» are intrinsically highly motivated, determined, focussed and funded—in contrast to «the public interest» which is diffuse, disembodied, ill-defined and typically poorly funded.

How is the Work Done

Everyone is capable of focusing on a personal need which an institution is failing to serve adequately. The response is a specific concern that can be simply phrased.

Persons: Each and every member of society is capable of defending their own interests in this way. But emphatic assertions in a pub or over coffee is not work. Work entails making those interests public: in personal blogs, in attending live social affairs TV programs, by signing petitions if asked, and writing to a national newspaper or to a politician.

While this work is typically self-centred, it is beneficial to like-minded others. So more active assertion involves joining in public protests, street marches with banners, and other displays that bring attention to the issue.

Organizations: Any single organisation is weak, almost invisible, in the face of society's complexity. However, there are usually multiple organisations in any sector that share a particular interest, so work and funding to address institutional evolution can be assigned to the collective i.e. membership bodies, industry associations or umbrella organisations. Such bodies representing just one sector of the institution can be well-funded and potentially influential in protecting those vested interests even if it disadvantages others. This work may involve continuous or episodic lobbying, advertising propaganda and financial incentives.

Taking Action

Once an interest reaches a certain level of importance, any person or organisation will take steps to promote it.

Plotting the Work

Publicly expressing a concern relevant to your interests must resonate with others in society and reflect a consensus if it is to have any impact. That puts promoting interests in the upper half of the X-axis.

Promote interests is plotted as an ellipse in the lower right quadrant with vested interests at the upper end and the public interest at the lower end.

However, generating publicity around your interests does not require a great deal of knowledge of the institution in all its complexity. That places the effort in the lower half of the Y-axis.

Promoted interests are therefore sited in the lower right quadrant with the various interests probably falling into an ellipse: as is usual for t1/L1.

Looking more closely, the public interest lies at the maximum regarding a concern for consensus because very few are expected to disagree that, ideally, all needs should be met one way or another. At the same time, virtually no knowledge about the institution is required in regard to affirming an unmet need. So public interest is sited at the extreme lower right of the quadrant.

Anyone employed within the institution or anyone impacted by a deficiency is far less preoccupied with consensus. They are likely to possess a greater knowledge of the institution, even if this is still restricted to their area of operation or personal concern. So these vested interests lie at the other end of the ellipse. The exact position varies, but the greater the dependency on public opinion, the more concern for consensus.

All institutions need their functioning publicized and explained in terms of needs and related social values. However, that does not indicate how to remove a limitation or solve a failure to meet a need.

Originally posted: 9-Nov-2022. Last updated: 30-Jun-2023.