Pattern of Engagement : PH'5Q4sHK

Generating the Tree

The Tree to be examined in this section is the third element in a Structural Hierarchy triplet. The top row of Requirements creates the Final Tree, which means that diagrammatically the structural hierarchy is turned on its side.

In this case, the Requirements are as follows:

Turning the structural hierarchy on its side to get a vertical hierarchy of requitements for engaging with a societal institution.   Tree pattern of centres and channels shown against the vertial structural hierarchy for shaping institutional development.

Because each Level contains groups and varied complicated activities, the labelling will be changed to nouns in the next Topic.

Naming the Tree

In Q2-Organisations, the sHK Tree was participative and revealed socio-emotional states. Something similar seems likely to apply, and the Tree is therefore provisionally named Tree of Engagement.

In the triplet, the Originating Tree of Consent had an internal duality as follows:

Supporting the Institution (L1-L4) v Questioning the Institution (L5-L7).

The lower part of the internal duality of the Final Tree would be expected to be: Questioning the Institution (L1-L4)—if it follows the pattern identified for Domain Fundamentals.

In studying the Tree from this perspective, the upper part has been provisionally labeled: Energizing the Institution (L5-L7).

The Tree analysis to follow will therefore be presented in two sections, Initially the lower section that is about questioning the institution and then the upper section that is about energizing the institution.

Structuring the Tree

Dynamic Duality

Trees operate under the influence of a dynamic duality which means that functioning may be governed by: 

  • personal or individual forces, potentially biassed or self-interested, labeled P.


  • societal, communal or contextual forces, potentially impersonal and impartial, labeled S.


  • a balance of forces, due to a synthesis or fusion of poles i.e. any activity is simultaneously responding to both individual and social forces that cannot be disentangled: labeled B.

Application of a dynamic duality to a Level converts it into one or two Tree Centres. When there are two polar opposite Centres, the more dominant one in practice is, by convention, placed on the right side of the Tree.

Psychosocial Pressure

As Levels in this Tree are derived from Groupings in the Structural Hierarchy, they will have the psychosocial pressures that are currently attributed to those Groupings as developed in the Architecture Room.

Trees are also posited to have the Root Hierarchy pressures in standard order i.e. L1 or KL1 = RL1, L2 or KL2 = RL2 etc as explained here.


There is now a well-established pattern for Trees in that:

•all Centres influence Centres at the neighbouring level,

•L's 1 to 6 influence Centres that are 2 levels away;

•L7 influences the Centre that is 3 levels away.

...which makes L4 the most connected Centre—only omitting L1.

As usual, it will be necessary to consider whether this pattern of Channels does indeed apply to this Tree. We must also be confident that other possible Channels cannot or should not be activated.

The Tree pattern will be explained in terms of its internal duality as follows:

Originally posted: 18-Mar-2024