Plotting the Primal Quests


Characteristics of each quadrant in the 2x2 table for plotting Primal Quests.

Recall that the TET (Typology Essences Table) is a method for displaying all Primal Quests in a way that differentiates them and illuminates their relationships when functioning. Given that the Primal Quests serve as a route to happiness, it seems that their field of operation must be a person's overall interaction with reality.

The next step is to consider each Primal Quest in turn and determine in broad terms:

  • how much the Primal Quest requires transcendence of current reality
  • how much the Primal Quest requires detachment from the ego/self

I will follow the same inquiry style used elsewhere.
TETs for Decision-making (Principal Typology: PH'1), Ethics (Principal Typology: PH'6), Interacting for Benefit (Subsidiary Typology: PH'6QH4).

Start with Extreme Quests …

We place the Pleasure Quest at the lower left corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place the Obedience Quest at the upper left corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place the Spirituality Quest at the upper right corner of the upper right quadrant.

Now for Centrally-located Quests …

We place the Meaning Quest at the upper right corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place the Salvation Quest at the lower right corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place the Enlightenment Quest at the lower left corner of the upper right quadrant.

Just one last Quest to consider…

As the final Quest, Creation is expected to be, as usual, an ellipse in the lower right quadrant, running from the upper left to the lower right. Continue now to explore this cornerstone Quest.

ClosedSee the completed TET diagram now ►

THEE Note:Closed If you recall other posted TET's, you will have noticed an unusual layout here: see discussion of alternative TET layouts in the Review.


Originally posted: 13-Jul-2012.