Details & Examples of Pairing
Analysis of combinations suggested eight natural pairings of Primal Quests that are likely to provide both existential needs: Equilibrium and Immersion. Assuming the usual pattern applies, one Quest on one of the diagonals is likely to be dominant in your life.
The issues related to dominance, and the presence of a secondary Quest, are examined here with examples.
Given the powerful impact of some dominant Quests, the secondary Quest might perhaps be provided by a partner. A stable relationship between two people on complementary Quests might then enable mutual support in their journey through life together.
Social Auspices Pairings
Inner Circle
Pairs with both Primal Quests on the inner circle should be easy and natural because both benefit from social support, friendly influence and encouragement.
Vertical Pairs
More Transcendence of Current Reality
Creation as Work-in-Flow+ Enlightenment
These two Primal Quests naturally support each other within a person. Enlightenment can support handling of situations and individuals relevant to effective Creation Work-in-flow. Creation Work-in-flow enables the EnlightenmentQuest by providing a focus on challenge-related issues where clarity would be useful. Creative work may be about communicating, teaching and advising others in relation to what has been clarified. It seems that either might be dominant in a person. Enlightenment is further along the transcendence scale, so (if dominant) the quality of creation is likely to be more intense than possible or desirable within employment.
Example: People who write insightfully and incisively about the nature of their work.
Less Transcendence of Current Reality
Meaning + Salvation
These two Primal Quests are highly compatible. The Salvation Quest provides ideals oriented to the importance of rescuing and protecting others that would suit a Meaning Quest in some persons. The Meaning Quest provides the Salvation Quest with a practical focus, goal-directed energy, calmness and an understanding of the people involved. Again, it seems that either might be dominant in a person.
Example: People who are recognized as working in a dedicated and devoted way over many years to serve the most needy in society.
Horizontal Pairs
Less Self-Detachment
Meaning + Creation as Work-in-Flow
These two Primal Quests are highly compatible, with either able to be dominant. A person on a Meaning Quest is purpose-centred and that provides direction, energy and structure to the challenges required by the Creation work-in-flow. Working-in-flow is an enjoyable and effective way to get things done or to function within the arts. You select your optimal level of challenge in relation to your Meaning Quest projects.
Example: People who are successful at work within enterprises that are inherently personal or social in nature e.g. in education or the arts.
More Self-Detachment
Enlightenment + Salvation
These two Primal Quests are a natural combination, and either may be dominant. The SalvationQuest provides examples of personal and social issues that persist unnecessarily and cause harm, and so focuses the Enlightenment Quest. The Enlightenment Quest ensures clarity about where need genuinely exists and how assistance can best be provided to someone.
Examples: Historic & Current
Historic: Siddartha Gautama (the Buddha) sought and gained enlightenment about the cause of human suffering and the paths to overcome suffering. He then spent his life teaching (Buddhism) so as to rescue people from their wrong thinking.
Current: Today, the Internet seems to have many websites written by people who are putting effort into teaching others about who they truly are, and how they should properly handle themselves to be happy or spiritual or successful. The phenomenon may reflect this pairing of Quests.
Personal Auspices Pairings
Outer Circle
The outer pairs of Primal Quests are more problematic because each is primarily a personal matter. It would seem that combination here might require dominance or perhaps a pairing of individuals with complementary Primal Quests.
Vertical Pairs
Very Low Transcendence of Current Reality
Pleasure + Obedience
These two Primal Quests form a low stress and easy combination with either being dominant. The pairing is probably typical of members of institutions who find acceptable ways to obtain pleasures, using duty as the excuse. Partners could have one of these Quests each.
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Power-centred individuals are liable to pursue a Pleasure Quest and they desire intimates whom they can control easily. In a stable relationship, an Obedience Quest would be a source of happiness and satisfaction because it supports following the demands (rules) and instructions of the partner to ensure their own pleasures. (The Obedience partner can also enjoy those pleasures without being on that Quest.)
Example: These individuals could be found amongst senior bureaucrats, clergy and military top brass who enjoy fine dining, good wines, convivial conversation, and travels involving luxury hotels.
Very High Transcendence of Current Reality
Spirituality + Creation as Supreme-Courage
These two Primal Quests are diametrically opposed in regard to entanglement with mundane reality, so it would seem that Creation as Supreme-Courage would need to dominate. Extreme Creation has an intense need for faith, that could be naturally provided by the Spirituality Quest or perhaps a partner.
Example: Perhaps someone like Max Planck whose Creation projects were highly theoretical: people who are highly successful &/or make stunning contributions to society while affirming a deep spirituality. Sir John Templeton
may be a well-known example from the financial world.
It could be any of us that Krishna counsels in the Bhagavad Gita :
must go to war and develop strategies to kill his close relatives and revered teachers because his duty as a spiritual being requires: courageous action + total self-detachment.
Horizontal Pairs
Very Low Self-Detachment
Pleasure + Creation as Supreme-Courage
In the nature of these Primal Quests, combination requires the Creation Quest to be dominant again. A partnership might work well between a person with Creation as Supreme-Courage and a partner whose dominant Quest is Pleasure with Obedience as the complement. The hard-working, creative partner could enjoy pleasures organized by the other and be happy that their partner is deeply gratified by pleasure. Obedience would enable the partner to be comfortable with subservience in everyday life and work.
Example: Some entrepreneurs and maverick scientists would use this combination. This combination can only work with Pleasure as the secondary Quest, even when shared between two partners.
Very High Self-Detachment
Obedience + Spirituality
Both of these Primal Quests demand a maximum detachment from ego/self. For some, Obedience based on a religious doctrine may be the only route to Spirituality. In such persons, Obedience would be dominant. Spirituality might be dominant in a person who channels an Obedience Quest into organizing a cult following. Couples may share these Quests in religions like Islam and Judaism which have rules comprehensively governing daily life.
Example: Every religion champions these two Quests as living forces: and finds more than enough individuals willing to participate.
- Having looked at the TET in many ways, it is time to review.
Originally posted: 27-Jul-2012.