Primal Delusions
Everyone is aware (to a greater or lesser degree) of the various Planes, at least in terms of the corresponding Model Being or Primal Quest. The effect seems to be to create natural beliefs, possibly delusional, that we must nevertheless handle one way or another.
Let's explore these together.
■ Practical Plane-RH'L1: Delusion of life's unfairness—others are having a great time and a much easier life than me—perhaps at my expense.
i.e. there is an instrumental being
governed by practicality and willing to exploit me (and others). Actually, that's true, there is! But life never evolved to be fair. How you respond to others and events depends on the Plane on which you live.
■ Psychological Plane-RH'L2: Delusion of the omnipotent servant—there is someone who understands what I am going through and wants to do the right thing for me.
i.e. there is a mindful being
willing to listen empathetically, work hard for me and be sensitive to ethical issues. Sounds like «the help that is a treasure»: but they may not last.
■ Awareness Plane-RH'L3: Delusion of the omniscient director—someone somewhere knows what is going on and will provide a solution.
i.e there is an awakened being
living an aware existence and able to solve the puzzle and point us all in the right direction. Too many charlatans around: you just have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and become aware of what people who affect you are like. Anyway, life's too complex for any omnipotent director to be possible.
■ Cosmic Consciousness Plane-RH'L4: Delusion of man's kindness to man OR there is surely someone who can rescue me.
i.e. there is a saviour
renouncing all personal desires and interests and dedicated solely to me. Unlikely. Buddha agrees: «Work out your own salvation; do not depend on others.»
■ Divine Creation-RH'L5: Delusion that life is determined OR the situation is hopeless, but somehow we will find a way out.
i.e. there is a supreme being
who generates divine providence. Perhaps, but it makes more sense to focus on making sensible choices. Fortunately, God seems to help those who help themselves.
■ Cosmic Forces-RH'L6: Delusion that responsibility lies with the uncontrollable forces to which I am subject.
i.e. there is a divine will
releasing cosmic mayhem. Could be true for others. For yourself, never offer "it's just my nature" as an excuse. You can master your self-defeating impulses. Certainly no-one else can.
■ Divine Oneness-RH'L7: Delusion that there is a God up there who we are part of &/or who is a part of us.
i.e. there is a universal spirit
and a divine oneness. Possible, but probable? Anyway, for safety, best to stick with this one and not mock.
Psychiatric Delusions
Severe mental illness, schizophrenic and depressive, are commonly associated with delusions and hallucinations. The content of these delusions is partly socially and culturally determined. Religious content is common e.g. a belief in being the Messiah. It is possible to have a focused delusion of this sort without being sufficiently ill to end up in a psychiatric hospital. Naturally, such a person can be immensely persuasive and socially destructive.
Drug-Induced Experiences
There are of course methods for altering consciousness in healthy people. Drugs like psilocybin, LSD and mescalin commonly generate spiritual states that are probably a form of cosmic consciousness with access to higher Planes. This can be blissful if Divine Oneness or the Good Cosmic Force is dominant; but it can be terrifying if there is inflow from the Cosmic Forces of Darkness: see next section.
- Consider other Review topics.
Operating outside our natural Plane:
Each of us finds a particular Plane of Existence that is congenial and meets our social needs. We live, work and play on that Plane most of the time. However, everyone can operate temporarily outside the Plane of Existence where they normally function, if the situation demands it, or if there is a drive to do so. In any case, there is a need to understand others and their way of existing in order to relate effectively to them.
- The next section considers influences between the various Planes and those operating on them. It also takes us further into the good v evil issue.
Originally posted: 12-Oct-2012.