Transpersonal Being

Confusion with other parts of THEE is easy here, particularly in relation to experience and spirituality. The Planes of Existence have a direct relation to spirituality, but they are distinct from specific spiritual disciplines. Spiritual development is also distinct from identity development.

Note that the present focus is human existence (i.e. living in an ethical and creative way) not having amazing experiences of one sort or another. Within Experience-PH4, there are different states or levels of consciousness that we can generate using attention techniques (contemplation, meditation &c.) to attain various experiences.

Within THEE, the framework of experience-PH4 generates a Typology of distinct approaches to identity development (more recently re-labeled as methods of mental stabilization) as shown in the graphic. With one exception, these approaches generate mentalities that function perfectly well on both the Practical Plane and the Psychological Plane. The choice of Plane will probably depend on upbringing and life events. Intelligence appears to be largely irrelevant.

Framework from the Experience Typology (PH'4)

However, Transpersonal Being-PH'4-L7 is somewhat different from the others, and could be confusing. Transpersonal being has a drive for spirituality, even though the person may not be on a Spirituality Quest as such. In this mindset, there is a desire for union with others, an awareness of the role of imagination, and the use of faith is overt. What is the «self» in other PH'4-Approaches is perceived here as the «soul». «God» then becomes the only possible source of personal growth. Nevertheless there are many transpersonal schools of psychotherapy aiming to help people having trouble with coping, just as there are diverse therapy schools oriented to those using other PH'4-mentalities.

It is also important to be aware that the spiritual dimension of existence is fully open to everyone, irrespective of their particular approach. Philosophies have developed spiritual methods adapted to each of them.

To make it more complicated, a THEE taxonomic principle requires 4 different hierarchically-arranged styles of all 7 of the Identity Development approaches. So that leads to a further refinement based on delineating 4 forms of transpersonal identity. However, we are now way beyond current concerns. Suffice it to say there is resonance, but no immediately relevant correspondence, between the Planes of Existence and transpersonal identity. The two frameworks deal with two different aspects of life: being human as part of managing your life (existence), and self-development as part of managing your experiences (self).

The transpersonal mentality, despite its focus on spirituality and God, reflects a personal position, and is therefore egocentric, just like all approaches. The Planes of Existence are the backdrop on which our innate and unavoidable egocentricity plays out. What this means should become more evident as we explore «goodness» in sections to come.

Originally posted: 12-Oct-2012.