Location of «Evil» in the Taxonomy
Evil as an Ultimate Value
The issue of evil emerged during the investigation of the 7-level ( / ). The upper 5 Levels turned out to be validly labeled as « ». In regard to , i.e. the importance of something to someone, it is evident that the object valued is invariably deemed «good». However, each handles this «good» quality differently.
good, then there exists an opposite that is bad.
are also characterized by polarity: i.e. if something isLevel, refers to an experience that is eternally and universally desired: like Love, Peace, Justice, Freedom. At the extreme, these all fuse into one value: . So it follows that there must exist an opposite: , which would be eternally and universally repudiated. The absolute nature here suggests that the reference must be to evil. Read more about the distinction between evil and bad.See how polarity shows in the lower 4 levels of value:►
This early investigation of evil without attempting to determine its nature in detail. It drew attention to a particular expression of evil: perversion, in which what is good is deemed , and what is is deemed good. Read more in Working with Values: download Ch.4 & 5.
identifiedEvil in the Cosmic Struggle
Model Beings» i.e. imaginary conceptions which serve as models for how to be human. These Model Beings in turn define « » to support their functioning; and it emerged that we also use these to sustain psychosocial reality. The are divided into and Divine realms. Each of the supports a different approach to ethics and creativity, and so approaches the good v evil issue in a different way.
The dynamic influences of good and evil states generated a Tree framework reviewed here (with G = good; E = evil).
The most significant finding of this framework is our Achilles heel—in the , evil is ever liable to prevail over good, at least temporarily; whereas in the divine realm, good unequivocally prevails. So spiritual thinkers emphasize the importance of divine downward influences for good, the «cosmic flow of plenty».
The cosmic struggle between good and evil does not take place in the divine realm, but rather within the human heart on the .
The Source of Evil
The picture that has emerged with evil is associated very specifically with one feature of human nature: our irremovable and necessary egocentric tendencies.
does not conflict with the earlier formulations. It specifies thatBecause the evil and the methods for keeping evil at bay.
point to 7 main ways that egotism manifests, they catalogue the main forms ofSee again egotistic manifestations in brief:

Severe deficiency of any of the
, either via unwillingness or some disability, possibly has a direct relevance to personality disorder, mental illness, and physical health.Deficits of any of the three «paying attention» Injunctions— —manifest in some form of psychopathy or sociopathy. No-one doubts that harm is caused here. Such individuals do not get away with it for long: they have a high morbidity and mortality rate due to poor self-care, alcohol and drug abuse, and criminal incidents.
Deficits of each of the four «getting a grip» Injunctions may also generate serious personal and social conditions:
- : Inability/Unwillingness to is a form of Depression
- : Inability/Unwillingness to shows up as Paranoia.
- : Inability/Unwillingness to shows as passivity (possible related to what is found in Schizophrenia).
- : Inability/Unwillingness to produces Monsters.

Taxonomy. Its energy appears to become bivalent when it emerges within as positive and negative poles.
unified theApplication of THEE frameworks typically reveals human elements being omitted, avoided or misused in endeavours. The causes will always be traceable either to ignorance or to egocentricity.
TOP aims to help remedy ignorance and to inform about egocentricity. By clarifying human nature, it can reduce choice of the lesser good that commonly contravenes our nature. TOP also seeks to encourage the education and restraint of those engaged in wilful violations of human nature.
- Now : make a clear distinction between evil and bad.
Originally posted: 7-Dec-2012