This is Not Social Change
Potential for Ambiguity
This framework considers how you strive to «
» apart from any dedicated role dealing with social change that you may hold.Such roles do exist in business, social programs, government agencies, and charitable organizations. However, they demand a different mindset. «
» may seem very close to improve your society or change your community or upgrade your business model, or even design social programs. After all, there would be few people involved in social developments who did not imagine they were working to create a better world. And they may well have been. Just not quite as imagined in this framework.US President Johnson's Great Society War on Poverty, which poverty won easily, is a good example. It is essential to recognize that, however, well-meaning everyone working on such programs is, such social change has rather little relationship to the inner personal-spiritual phenomena that are specified in this framework.
Society is Controlled by its Unique Values
Social development occurs within society. It is determined and controlled by society's values. To understand the goals and methods of such programs you must understand how values and purposes function. The relevant THEE frameworks have been developed in detail within , and the Chapters will be posted on the website in early 2013.
Values are dominated by groups, and projects of any size are determined and run by groups. A full exposition is not possible here, but you can get some idea via the
shown in this diagram:Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.

It is evident that
, , and play a major part in determining how even the most visionary social development is organized, regulated and pursued.Ethical Rules: A Special Variety of Value
The above THEE is directive in regard to specifying requirements for being human (within the Root Complex), it is wholly neutral in regard to societal and personal choices (within the Primary Hierarchies).
does not specify any particular value or any particular purpose. It leaves the freedom and the responsibility to the social group and its members. WhileSocial change is a matter of society's dominant Ch.5, Working with Values). We recognize the values and groups that surround us as a social milieu that is operative regardless of any personal preoccupation with goodness or any wish to . Clarifying how the various frameworks within and their derivatives are used by a society is a major exercise. Click to see an outline diagram further down the page.
Note that there are special sorts of value called hierarchy within . These values, being strongly identity-defining, are far more resistant to change than those found at lower levels in the .
and that are required in any society. These values are nested within the , which itself is a nestedThe
are in formal terms a special sort of much like be honest or tell the truth. While many maxims could be universal, that is not necessary: e.g. some societies are oriented to indirect communications, and avoid telling the truth to spare any hurt.Because the
are quintessentially universal, i.e. crossing all societies and applying to humanity generally, they might be better categorized as .You Determine Humanity
This framework for the individual v the group. However, when the dynamic is applied in societal-organizational matters, it is evident that the individual perspective is dominant at the lower level ( ), while the group perspective is dominant at the higher levels ( ).
and the various frameworks relevant to the practical development of society and organizational life both use a similar dynamic duality:So you can make a considerable difference to the more concrete and definite choices in everyday social life, while the group asserts control over the overarching system that determines identity, culture, structure or grand strategy. These are real constraints: sometimes crushing freedom and justice, and applying coercive measures to prevent new values from taking root. Even when constraints are less grotesque, they may still be harmful and seemingly unnecessary.
The first response to inhumane oppression is to focus on what makes for a the reverse situation applies. Here your social milieu necessarily dominates your awareness at the lower level ( ) so that any injustice or evils in situations come to the forefront of attention. Then, in regard to the higher levels ( ) dealing with , you, and you alone, can and must dominate.
where you will see that
- Now that you are properly (re-)focused on your personal-existential responsibility, continue by considering the tension in obeying.
Originally posted: 31-Jan-2013