Validity of g- Qualities
In THEE inquiry, architectural correspondences have been progressively discovered. These play a significant role both in discovery and in validation. Two principles, Monad Correspondence & Grouping Correspondence, were used to assist in finding relevant qualities for the Vehicles of Goodness, as explained below. Click on Technical Explanations to see an elucidation of these principles.
Technical Explanations
Each internal level in the 28 Groups of a Structural Hierarchy has the formula g# and appears to have its own distinctive quality. The result is that there are 7 distinct qualities corresponding to g1 to g7. These «g-qualities» need to be determined as part of any inquiry involving this form.
The g-qualities are significant in two ways:
- practically: they help in designing choices or activities or analysing errors
- theoretically: they provide validity via internal structural corroboration
Nothing in a Structural Hierarchy is easy to identify and formulate and this applies to the 7 g-qualities also. In the initial Structural Hierarchies, the Framework was covering areas intensively studied over many years. So, in retrospect, the formulations seemed relatively straightforward—even if they may yet be proved wrong or insufficient.
Discovery of Two THEE-Inquiry Principles
Over time and following discoveries, two «THEE-inquiry principles» were identified to assist investigation of the g-qualities. Here they are in their order of discovery.
Principle of «Monad Correspondence»
The first discovery, made a long time ago in relation to levels of work-responsibility, was that the g-quality was related in some way to the Level in the originating hierarchy and visible in the G1-Monads. This has proved itself as a useful principle.
Of course, this principle is rarely simple to apply. The Monads in most cases, including here, cover a vast area; and knowledge is limited, fragmentary and uncertain. However, the principle can still guide the imagination (which can access otherwise unknown parts of THEE), and this may even feed back to reveal something new.
See this principle applied to the components for producing goodness-RsH"
by clicking here:
- g1-quality, in all Groups, fits with Enjoyment-RG"11
- g2-quality, in all Groups, fits with Aspiration RG"12
- g3-quality, in all Groups, fits with Knowing-RG"13
- g4-quality, in all Groups, fits with Helpfulness-RG"14
- g5-quality, in all Groups, fits with Exertion-RG"15
- g6-quality, in all Groups, fits with Submission-RG"16
- g7-quality, in all Groups, fits with Unification-RG"17
Principle of «Grouping Correspondence»
As reported, following posting of the Politics frameworks, it has become evident that each Grouping in a Structural Hierarchy (or at least those derived from a Spiral) has a particular affinity for a particular Root Level &/or its Primary Hierarchy &/or possibly its Primary Structural Hierarchy.
The pattern was initially identified in two Spiral-based Structural Hierarchies, political participation and expectations and obligations of employment, as shown here:
Additional checks on Frameworks not yet posted seem to confirm this correspondence for all Structural Hierarchies. Furthermore, other inquiries suggest that this correspondence is the underpinning THEE framework for what is currently termed «Appreciative Inquiry
». In short, I believe there is something solid in this correspondence: albeit poorly understood.
This ordering is now emerging as an investigative principle during examination and formulation of new Structural Hierarchies. In practice, its main impact appears to be in determining the nature of the Groupings, whose Groups possess g-qualities in accord with their internal Levels. The new Grouping is fundamental for the Framework and distinct from lower Groupings due to the additional internal Level and its g-quality. The Grouping, itself, appears to have the g-quality of the highest internal Level.
See this principle applied to the present Framework
by clicking here:
- G1-identity links with Purpose-RL6/PH6/sPH6 & has a g1-quality.
- G2-identity links with Communication-RL5/PH5/sPH5 & has a g2-quality.
- G3-identity links with Action-RL1/PH1/sPH1 & has a g3-quality.
- G4-identity links with Inquiry-RL2/PH2/sPH2 & has a g4-quality.
- G5-identity links with Change-RL3/PH3/sPH3 & has a g5-quality.
- G6-identity links with Experience-RL4/PH4/sPH4 & has a g6-quality.
- G7-identity links with Willingness-RL7/PH7/sPH7 & has a g7-quality.
This principle is somewhat easier to apply to g-qualities, so long as its use has not inappropriately distorted identification of the Grouping and its Groups.
Qualities in Producing Goodness-RsH"
Have Great Dreams: g7 = Expectantly
«Expectantly» refers to the possibility of fulfilment of personal hopes for humanity that are assumed to be shared with others. Shared mutual expectations can contribute to the realization of a dream.
In this case, and unlike at lower Levels, there is no further internal testing, because RsHG717 is the only internal Level with this g-quality: see diagram.
Grouping Correspondence: Willingness-PH7
Expectancy depends on trying-PH7-L1 and trust-PH7-L7. It evokes and provokes willingness from each and all, without which any great dreams-G71 will wither. So perhaps there is sufficient congruence.
Monad Correspondence: Unification-R"G17
A person unifies with others in relation to any great dream. But unification does not make anything happen: it merely creates the potential and the expectation, so the expectantly qualifier seems to fit.
However, perhaps other terms might be preferred e.g. authentically to emphasize the inner nature (but this belongs to the Tetrads), or unwaveringly to emphasize the continuing nature; or freely (but that comes at R"G1). Hopefully and humbly seem more possible but have a slight passive quality.
Exercise Vitality: g6 = Wholeheartedly
«Wholeheartedly» refers to giving oneself completely to the experience i.e. without reserve, without resistance, without negativity.
As well as qualifying the topmost components of the two Vitality Hexads, the wholeheartedly qualifier must also suit the 6th internal Level (g6) of the Heptad: which is submit—and it does.
Grouping Correspondence: Experience-PH4
«Wholeheartedly» is the quality that should accompany any search for experience on which vitality depends. It also helps create an appropriate supportive experience with others in the social milieu. So it fits with Experience-PH4.
Monad Correspondence: Submission-R"G16
The wholeheartedly qualifier is also supportive of a submissive position. It prevents egotistic tendencies, especially defensiveness or arrogance, that reflect a rejection of submission. So there is congruence with submission-RG"16.
Finalization of the Hexads came at the very end of this inquiry, so many tentative qualifiers were ruled out. However, gracefully was entertained as a possibility that could fit both principles. It reflects the need for humility and respect in assimilating experience. Grace is required to place oneself effectively in a social situation and gain the most out of such an experience.
Attain Equanimity: g5 = Creatively
«Creatively» refers to the persistent application of positivity, imagination and personal will-power to situations.
As well as qualifying the topmost components of the three Empathy Tempers (Pentads), the creatively qualifier must also suit the 5th internal Level (g5) of other Groups. That means:
- in the Heptad, creatively must apply to the exertion vehicle.
- in the two Hexads, to the exertion & submission vehicles.
Grouping Correspondence: Change-PH3
«Creatively» directly implies that something new should be generated, and that any new state is a manifestation of Change-PH3.
Monad Correspondence: Exertion-R"G15
The creatively qualifier is directly congruent with the nature of Exertion- R"G15, which is associated with work and the release of creative potentials.
However, perhaps others terms might be preferred: determinedly seemed possible because of the importance of equanimity and empathy. Terms related to empathy and equanimity, like serene, sincere, loving, were tried but rejected as being too repetitive. Outcome terms like happy, glad were considered.
Build Character: g4 = Thoughtfully
«Thoughtfully» refers to the use of dispassionate inquiry and reflection with no input from crude self-interest.
As well as qualifying the topmost components of the four Authenticity Tetrads, the thoughtfully qualifier must also suit the 4th internal Level (g4) of other Groups. That means:
- in the Heptad, «thoughtfully» must apply to the helpfulness vehicle.
- in the two Hexads, to the helpfulness & exertion vehicles.
- in the three Pentads, to the helpfulness, exertion & submission vehicles
Grouping Correspondence: Inquiry-PH2
Thoughtfully is directly suggestive of an inquiry conducted internally for private consumption and social benefit. This is congruent with Inquiry-PH2
Monad Correspondence: Helpfulness-R"G14
The thoughtfully qualifier also relates to helpfulness-R"G14 in that feelings (e.g. disgust) and subjective states (e.g. defeatism) should not interfere with your choice of a way to help someone—including the someone that is yourself.
I struggled with formulations for this quality, looking mainly in three categories: inquiry-style terms like dispassionately, objectively, impersonally; and character terms like: steadfastly, honourably, irreproachably; and creativity-linked terms like unflinchingly, constantly, courageously.
Overcome Pain: g3 = Spontaneously
«Spontaneously» refers to a tendency to recognition and activation as the good and correct path without more than a split-second's thought.
As well as qualifying the topmost components of the five Healing Triads, the spontaneously qualifier must also suit the 3rd internal Level (g3) of other Groups. That means:
- in the Heptad, «spontaneously» must apply to the knowing vehicle.
- in the two Hexads, to the knowing & helpfulness vehicles.
- in the three Pentads, to the knowing, helpfulness & exertion vehicles.
- in the four Tetrads, to the knowing, helpfulness, exertion & submission vehicles.
Grouping Correspondence: Action-PH1
«Spontaneously» fits well with Action-PH1 insofar as it refers to springing into action (most notably in sacrifice-R"G34), even if that action is purely mental in some cases (like being grateful-R"G31). Spontaneity has the formula PH1L7.
Monad Correspondence: Knowing-R"G13
The spontaneously qualifier seems to be also congruent with know-R"G13 in that the instinctive response is invariably described as «known» or something that everybody «ought to know».
Initially, I chose unerringly, but this fits more with knowing than with action. I considered instinctively, but that was too suggestive of biology; compulsively, but that seemed to remove choice; and automatically, but that was not psychological.
Find Strength: g2 = Conscientiously
«Conscientiously» refers to the responsible application of careful thought so that your actions are likely to produce goodness.
As well as qualifying the topmost components of the six Self-control Dyads, the conscientiously qualifier must also suit the 2nd internal Level (g2) of other Groups. That means:
- in the Heptad, «conscientiously» must apply to the aspiration vehicle.
- in the two Hexads, to the aspiration & knowing vehicles.
- in the three Pentads, to the aspiration, knowing & helpfulness vehicles
- in the four Tetrads, to the aspiration, knowing, helpfulness, & exertion vehicles
- in the five Triads , to the aspiration, knowing, helpfulness, exertion & submission vehicles.
Grouping Correspondence: Communication-PH5
Actualizing inner strength and maturity, like anything else, means constructing it in psychosocial reality and that invariably depends on communication-PH5. To be conscientious, you must observe yourself and think about your thoughts and actions. This involves talking to yourself, and often others: so a fit exists.
Monad Correspondence: Aspiration-R"G12
Being conscientious is much like pursuit of an ideal with improvement always possible. So the conscientiously qualifier is congruent with the nature of aspiration- R"G12
Other than generic terms like beneficial, there were no other obvious alternatives.
Apply Ultimate Values: g1 = Necessarily
«Necessarily» refers to the component being the essential foundation for the delivery of goodness.
As well as qualifying the seven vehicles-Monads, the «necessarily» qualifier must also suit the lowest internal Level (g1) of all of the other 21 Groups. That means:
- in the Heptad, «necessarily» must apply to the enjoyment vehicle.
- in the two Hexads, to the enjoyment and aspiration vehicles.
- in the three Pentads, to the enjoyment, aspiration & knowing vehicles.
- in the four Tetrads, to the enjoyment, aspiration, knowing & helpfulness vehicles.
- in the five Triads , to the enjoyment, aspiration, knowing, helpfulness & exertion vehicles.
- in the 6 Dyads, to the enjoyment, aspiration, knowing, helpfulness, exertion & submission vehicles.
Grouping Correspondence:Purpose-PH6
- Using the term necessarily for the Monads fits well, given that purpose is what makes man a social animal, and purpose is the basis for responsibility: a psychosocial state that gives meaning and substance to freedom by placing limits.
- The higher Levels of purpose contain values, which are a necessity for the notion of virtue. In addition, necessary relates to need, and social values-PH6L5 are personal and communal needs.
- It may be relevant that this Framework emerged from Purpose-RHL6 (via Obedience RH'L6 and Heed What's Right-RH"L6).
- If correct, then the g1 base of every one of the 28 Groups in this framework means that they all rest on something that is necessary. This is reasonable, because it is the human necessity for goodness that is the rationale for this framework.
Monad Correspondence: Enjoyment-R"G11
The necessarily qualifier is highly congruent with the nature of enjoyment-RG"11. There is probably nothing so necessary as experiencing enjoyment. It overlaps with notions of happiness, pleasure and feeling good, all of which have been viewed as both essential and natural inclinations of humanity.
I considered numerous possibilities. The initial one was: naturally—but that notion was more suited to the unfolding duality. Crucially was tried as a more extreme version of necessary, and fundamentally was tried to relate to the foundation. Other notions briefly considered were: humanly, positively, freely.
Summary of Components for each Qualifier
Click to see
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g7 |
at R"G7 re Entertaining Great Dreams |
R"G7: Infuse Goodwill
g6 |
at R"G6 re Embracing Vitality |
R"G6: Be Active, Be Receptive
+ G"7: Infuse Goodwill |
g5 |
Creatively |
at R"G5 re Attaining Equanimity |
R"G5: Be Cooperative, Be Wise, Be Compassionate
+ G"6: Be Active, Be Receptive G"7: Infuse Goodwill |
g4 |
at R"G4 re Building Character |
R"G4: Be a Hero, Use Talents, Be Present, Show Integrity
+ G"5: Be Cooperative, Be Wise, Be Compassionate G"6: Be Active, Be Receptive G"7: Infuse Goodwill |
g3 |
at R"G3 re Overcoming Pain |
R"G3: Gratitude, Forgiveness, Generosity, Sacrifice, Purification
+ G"4: Be a Hero, Value Talents, Be Present, Maintain Integrity G"5: Be Cooperative, Be Wise, Be Compassionate G"6: Be Active, Be Receptive G"7: Infuse Goodwill |
g2 |
at R"G2 re Finding Strength
R"G2: Do What You Love, Reach Truth, Give Accounts, Be of Service, Stay the Course, Accept Reality
+ G"3: Gratitude, Forgiveness, Generosity, Sacrifice, Purification G"4: Be a Hero, Value Talents, Be Present, Maintain Integrity G"5: Be Cooperative, Be Wise, Be Compassionate G"6: Be Active, Be Receptive G"7: Infuse Goodwill |
g1 |
at R"G1 re Using Ultimate Values |
R"G1: Enjoyment, Aspiration, Knowing, Helpfulness, Exertion, Submission, Unification
+ G"2: Do What You Love, Reach Truth, Give Accounts, Be of Service, Stay the Course, Accept Reality G"3: Gratitude, Forgiveness, Generosity, Sacrifice, Purification G"4: Be a Hero, Value Talents, Be Present, Maintain Integrity G"5: Be Cooperative, Be Wise, Be Compassionate G"6: Be Active, Be Receptive G"7: Infuse Goodwill |
Names & Internal Structures
The way I have chosen formal names in this Framework arises from the vehicles used i.e. the internal structure.
You, however, may well have your own understanding of a particular term. That is quite natural. However, there is no point arguing from a meaning-of-words perspective. That takes us nowhere.
Useful debate must instead focus on the internal structures. They force a focus on features that otherwise might get forgotten or regarded as inessential. Some questions to consider:
- Are the internal structures illuminating?
- How might the entities be better named?
- If necessary, how should the internal levels be re-construed?
Until there has been more debate, the detailed internal structuring must be regarded as open, and my formulations are provisional. See Technical Explanations dropdown for more on the choice of qualifiers for the Levels.
Entities in R"G1 and R"G2 are taken to be self-evident because they are part of everyday discourse. By contrast, most components in R"G3 and R"G4 are generally regarded as more obscure and requiring explanation or guidance.
E.g. People require to be reminded of the heroism and integrity needed in daily life or the value of sacrifice and forgiveness in a way and to a degree that does not apply to staying the course, being of service, aspiring or unifying.
Components in R"G5, R"G6, and R"G7 again seem conceptually simple and obvious—be cooperative, be wise, be compassionate, be receptive, be active, be of goodwill.
Originally posted: 7-Jun-2013