Applying Styles to the Domain Typologies

28 levels in the Decision typology.PH'1Q: 28 Levels in the Arenas of Achieving

Review a summary of Decision Methods-PH'1here.

Recall the Style Hierarchy developed in the preceding Topic:

L PH'1
δ Resolving
γ Challenging
β Shaping
α Generating

Now, by applying this Style Hierarchy to each of the Decision Methods, it has been possible to provide labels that characterize recognizable achieving roles. Note that there may well be other possible labels.

L'1: ClosedRationalist Method

αProfessionals generate rationalist decisions

βAdministrators shape those decisions

γPoliticians challenge their administrators

δPlanners resolve the choice via their forward-looking comprehensive view.

L'2: ClosedEmpiricist Method

αMonitors generate empiricist decisions

βExperts shape those decisions

γInvestigators challenge the experts

δEvaluators resolve the choice via their impartial analytical view.

L'3: ClosedPragmatic Method

αDoers generate opportunistic decisions

βOrganizers shape those decisions

γAdvisors challenge the organizers

δBosses resolve the choice via their dogmatic powerful view.

L'4: ClosedDialectic Method

αMediators generate dialectic decisions

βNegotiators shape those decisions

γDebaters challenge the negotiators

δArbitrators resolve the choice via their unbiased and definitive view.

L'5: ClosedSystemicist Method

αModelers generate systemicist decisions

βConsultants shape those decisions

γParticipants challenge the consultants

δStrategists resolve the choice via their balanced future-oriented view.

L'6: ClosedStructuralist Method

αManagers generate structuralist decisions

βCoordinators shape those decisions

γSubordinates challenge the coordinators

δLeaders resolve via their dynamic value-driven view.

L'7: ClosedImaginist Method

αFacilitators generate imaginist decisions

βCounselors shape those decisions

γMentors challenge the counselors.

δVisionaries resolve via their energetic and inspiring view.

PH'2Q: 28 Levels in the Arenas of Knowing28 levels in the Research typology

Review a summary of Research Methods-PH'2here.

Recall the Style Hierarchy developed in the preceding Topic:

L PH'2
δ Anchoring
γ Evaluating
β Organizing
α Grounding

Now, by applying this Style Hierarchy to each of the Research Methods, it has been possible to provide labels that characterize recognizable knowing roles. Note that there may well be other possible labels.

L'1: ClosedEmpirical Method

αData Collectors ground empirical research

βInvestigators organize that research

γStatisticians evaluate research findings

δMeta-analysts anchor the significance of multiple empirical findings via conclusions.

L'2: ClosedAnalytic Method

αResearchers ground analytic research

βAnalysts organize that research

γCritics evaluate analytic conclusions

δIntegrators anchor the significance of multiple analyses.

L'3: ClosedExplanatory Method

αHypothesizors ground explanatory research

βExperimenters organize that research

γCompetitors evaluate falsifications

δTheorists anchor the significance of multiple tests via unification.

L'4: ClosedDialectic Method

αPolarizers ground dialectic research

βAdherents organize polarized positions

γDebaters evaluate both sides

δSynthesizers anchor the significance of polarization via resolution.

L'5: ClosedHolistic Method

αStructuralists ground holistic research

βModelers organize that research

γUsers evaluate the model

δDesigners anchor the significance of models via application.

L'6: ClosedFormal Method

αQuestioners ground formal research

βLogicians organize that research

γVerifiers evaluate the logical arguments

δ?? anchor the significance of the theorem via ??

L'7: ClosedContemplative Method

αCommentators ground contemplative research

βGenius's organize contemplative inquiry

γSceptics evaluate the new paradigm

δDoyens anchor the significance of the new paradigm via their acceptance.

PH'4: 28 Levels in the Arenas of Individualizing28 levels in the Mental Stabilization typology

Review a summary of Mental Stabilization Methods-PH'4here.

Recall the Style Hierarchy developed in the preceding Topic:

L PH'4
δ Anchoring
γ Differentiating
β Constraining
α Activating

In the previous two Domains, applying the Style Hierarchy has generated role-types. Possibly starting in Change-PH'3, but certainly in Experience-PH'4, it seems that distinctive psychological states emerge rather than social roles. It has been possible to provide labels that characterize recognizable individualizing states.

 Labels proposed here are less certain.

L'1: ClosedSensory Method

αContact activates sensory existence

βComfort constrains the degree of activation

γTaste differentiates the form of contact

δStimulation anchors the mental state.

L'2: ClosedVital Method

αPhysicality activates vital existence

βCapability constrains the degree of activation

γCompetitiveness differentiates the form of physicality

δConcentration anchors the mental state.

L'3: ClosedEmotional Method

αSympathy activates emotional existence

βAttraction constrains the degree of activation

γAdmiration differentiates the form of sympathy

δAttachment anchors the mental state.

L'4: ClosedIndividual Method

αEnterprise activates individual existence

βInterest constrains the degree of activation

γTalent differentiates the form of enterprise

δRespect anchors the mental state.

L'5: ClosedRelational Method

αInteraction activates relational existence

βReciprocity constrains the degree of activation

γMeaning differentiates the form of interaction

δAttunement anchors the mental state.

L'6: ClosedSocial Method

αValues activate social existence

βStrength constrains the degree of activation

γLoyalty differentiates the form of values

δParticipation anchors the mental state.

L'7: ClosedTranspersonal Method

αQuestioning activates transpersonal existence

βDiscipline constrains the degree of activation

γAffinity differentiates the form of questioning

δFaith anchors the mental state.

PH'5: 28 Levels in the Arenas of Associating28 levels in the Use of Language typology

Review a summary of Language Use Methods-PH'5here.

Recall the Style Hierarchy developed in the preceding Topic:

L PH'5
δ Developing
γ Systematizing
β Appraising
α Asserting

Unlike the Domains listed above, applying this Style Hierarchy appears to generates distinctive processes rather than roles or states. It should be possible to provide labels that characterize recognizable associating processes.

L'1: ClosedConcrete Method

αCaring asserts association via activity

βCoping appraises situations via helpful actions

γIndividuating systematizes preferred activities

δMaturing develops the range of possible activities.

L'2: ClosedAssociative Method

αSpecifying asserts association via available information

βResponding appraises situations on the basis of information

γMethods systematize the use of information

δPrograms develop a range of situations

L'3: ClosedConceptual Method

αReviewing asserts association via concepts

βMethods appraise projects on the basis of concepts

γDesigning systematizes preferred concepts

δProgramming develops the range of projects

L'4: ClosedUniversal Method

αInterests asserts association via shared values

βSolutions appraise the use of values

γIssues systematize the handling of values

δNarratives develop the state of values.

L'5: ClosedGestalt Method

αRealizing asserts association via awareness

βMentoring appraises the degree of awareness

γDisseminating systematizes the form of awareness

δBonding develops the form of awareness.

L'6: ClosedLogical Method

αMeditating asserts association via correspondence with reality

βContemplating appraises the degree of correspondence

γPracticing systematizes the application of correspondence

δ: Reflecting develops the quality of correspondence.

L'7: ClosedMythic Method

αConceiving asserts association via images

βExploring appraises the impact of images

γInvolving systematizes the form of questioning

δCommissioning develops the quality of images.

PH'6: 28 Levels in the Arenas of Governing28 levels in the ethical choice typology.

Review a summary of Ethical Choice Methods-PH'6here.

Recall the Style Hierarchy developed in the preceding Topic:

L PH'6
δ Anchoring
γ Contesting
β Constraining
α Grounding

By applying this Style Hierarchy to each of the Ethical Choice Methods, it seems possible to provide labels that characterize recognizable governing rationales.

L'1: ClosedRationalist Method

αDesirability grounds rationalist choices

β: Bureaucracy constrains implementation

γExpertise contests amongst alternatives

δConvictions anchor the choice that is made.

L'2: ClosedConventionalist Method

αOpinion grounds conventionalist choices

βCustom constrains implementation

γBias contests amongst alternatives

δPopularity anchors the choice that is made

L'3: ClosedPluralist (Pragmatist) Method

αDiversity grounds pluralist choices

βFactionalism constrains implementation

γArgument contests amongst alternatives

δCompromise anchors the choice that is made

L'4: ClosedIndividualist Method

αMarkets ground individualist choices

βCoercion constrains implementation

γCommitment contests amongst alternatives

δConsensus anchors the choice that is made.

L'5: ClosedCommunalist Method

αUtilitarianism grounds communalist choices

βCosts constrain implementation

γDeserts contest amongst alternatives

δDevelopment anchors the choice that is made.

L'6: ClosedLegitimist Method

αResponsibility grounds legitimist choices

βEntitlement constrains implementation

γFreedom contests amongst alternatives

δ: Communality anchors the choice that is made.

L'7: ClosedTranscendentalist Method

αRightness grounds transcendentalist choices

βSpontaneity constrains implementation

γ: Circumstaniality contests amongst alternatives

δDestiny anchors the choice that is made.


From the above, it seems that the Q-expansion may have different effects according to the Domain. Light may be shed when PH'3Q and PH'7Q Arenas are determined.

  1. PH'1 and PH'2: generation of roles.
  2. PH'4: generation of states.
  3. PH'5: generation of processes.
  4. PH'6: generation of rationales.

The next step in this investigation involves determining some principles for identifying the Arenas which straddle two adjacent Methods.

Originally published: 24-Sep-2022