Reversal of Oscillation in Inquiry-PH2

The oscillation here seems to be about the locus of experience. Is the inquiry element a subjective matter that depends on your inner personal sense or intuition? Or is it dependent on a shared social agreement with others and so externally determined and therefore deemed objective?

This polarization is captured here as:
subjective (ODD) v  objective (EVEN).


Data-L1 is collected by an individual and the selection and collection can be described as internally controlled and subjective. Each of us feels empowered to determine what the reading says or whether something is present or not. People often disagree about observations that are not mediated by instruments or they disagree about the instrument.

However:  If data gathered by one person is important, then it cannot be left to personal caprice. Objectivity is desired. This requires a response to that data. Others may do similar work to replicate the original observation, and come at the issue from another direction. If you want to be sure your data will be accepted, you may deploy a range of responses to cover all the expected objections in advance.


ConversionCollecting data becomes objective by deploying a repertoire-of responses-L4, and this lies within Action-PH1.


Concepts-L2 are essential social tools that all in a field share, so they get deliberately and carefully constructed to ensure that others will agree on their definition. If the definition of a concept is not immediately evident to all, the field or discipline may create a committee of its leaders to create the needed definitions e.g. the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Link to external website. This makes concept definition an objective reality that is external to a person.

However: A concept becomes subjective if you allow purely personal ideas of your choosing to enter into the definition, and you ignore whether others understand or are likely to agree.


Conversion: The subjectively defined concept is a created idea-L4 within the realm of Experience-PH4.


Comparisons-L3 are naturally personal and their organization and use is regarded as a subjective assessment by others. Anyone can arrange a comparison using any quality or property that they prefer. Others need not agree and there is no requirement for agreement. It seems as if we have an internal system of making patterns and ranking within them. And this is more reliable in some matters than others.

However: You will allow the arrangement for comparison to be forced to become objective if comparing is a primary goal or part of a primary goal which you accept. In such cases, you get yourself trained with others in a socially validated system for comparing. Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability are ensured by whoever is in charge of the project.


ConversionArranging comparisons to be objective and socially shared is a specific defined activity i.e. a principal object-L4, and lies within Purpose-PH6.


Measurement-L4 is naturally devised to be objective by basing it on some standard unit and system to which all conform. The nature and definition of this standard is a matter for official institutes or authoritative bodies i.e. external to any investigator. So conforming to measurement is a social matter for inquirers. Societies do not always agree on standards. Inquirers do not always accept particular measurements.

However: Measurements can be subjective in nature, if those making and using the measurement are willing to compromise on rigor and allow them as valid.


ConversionAccepting subjectivemeasurement involves a compromise-L4, and that is a matter of Willingness-PH7.


Relations-L5 between things are constructed personally. In everyday life, subjective associations are recognized all the time. Even in scientific disciplines, the choice of variables to relate is regarded as an intuitive matter and left to the judgement of the investigator.

However:  If a relationconstructed between two variables is to be socially accepted and given wider validity, then there is a need to make measurements under different conditions and use a variety of methods. These measurements can demonstrate that the perceived relation is an objective matter, and not a chance connection or personal bias and belief.


ConversionConstructing a relation to hold up objectively leads to measurement-L4, which is in the realm of Inquiry-PH2.


Judgement-L6 has to be justified, which implies issues of social acceptability and assumes objectivity. This applies both within scientific disciplines and in other areas like your appraisal of situations, judicial matters and the testing of consumer products.

However: scientists normally make judgements within a particular conventional paradigm, and this is a personal and subjectively-determined choice. It develops existing experience and sustains their reputation. In a similar way, people commonly let bias enter into judgements to preserve their values and positions on issues.


ConversionSubjective elements in judgement are about sustaining-L4 a position, theory, paradigm or reputation; and this is an element within Change-PH3.


Wonder-L7 is naturally subjective because it is a matter for each person, and a state that we each allow our selves to enter and enjoy.

However:  If you are trying to get control of wonder, or do so in externally directed fashion, then you will enter the experience with an objective orientation. You will regard the ideas, word or images that come into your mind as symbols that have relevance within your area of interest.


ConversionWonder that is objectively guided leads to symbols-L4 in the realm of Communication-PH5.

Summary of the Results of Forcing a Reversal

L Name Oscillation Conversion on Forcible Reversal
New Element Primary Hierarchy
7 Wonder Subjective symbol-L4 in PH5-Communication
6 Judgement Objective
sustenance-L4 in PH3-Change
5 Relation Subjective measurement-L4 in PH2-Inquiry
4 Measurement Objective compromise-L4 in PH7-Willingness
3 Comparison Subjective principal object-L4 in PH6-Purpose
2 Concept Objective image-L4 in PH4-Experience
1 Observation Subjective response-L4 in PH1-Action

Originally posted:  13-Apr-2013; Last amended: 17 Apr-2015.