About Oscillation


Success in this inquiry was limited by uncertainties that surround both the various hierarchies and their dualities.

With that caveat in mind, here is the provisional pattern:

Primary Hierarchy Odd-number Pole Even-number Pole
PH7: Willingness Association Dissociation
PH6: Purpose Integrative Divisive
PH5: Communication Ambiguous Definite
PH4: Experience Fuzzy Delineated
PH3: Change Progressive Preservative
PH2: Inquiry Subjective Objective
PH1: Action Internal External

No significant growth in understanding emerges from this tabulation. There is no obvious natural progression or pattern. Some pairing is evident as explained below.

It seems that the oscillations may all be related in some way either to a form of control or perhaps to an internal-external differentiation.

These two are linked. When something is described as 'internal' it means experienced or perceived or represented within the boundaries of the self, and that usually implies controllability by the will. What is external may lie within the mind, but it is represented as outside the self, and usually not fully controllable. «Internal-external» is not generally equivalent to «personal-social», although in a particular case it may be.


In examining speculations, a surprising finding was the evident pairing—PH1 & PH2, PH4 & PH5, PH6 & PH7. The as yet poorly understood PH3 remains on its own. This pattern of 3 pairs and singleton is reminiscent of what is found in the 4 TET quadrants, so the possibility of plotting on a 2x2 Table may be worth exploring.

Action-PH1 and Inquiry-PH2 both showed a duality based on location. Action was focused on control in terms of locus: internal v external. In Inquiry, the subjective-objective duality is similar i.e. 'subjective' implies an internal location (i.e. dependent on something inside me), while 'objective' implies an external location (i.e. dependent on something out there).

■ In the poorly understood Change-PH3, the progressive-preservative duality might be about the control of identity i.e. the self-environment fit. The preservative pole suggests control that is internal, while the progressive pole suggests unpredictability due to external forces.

Experience-PH4 and Communication-PH5 shared some similarity in that the odd levels were fuzzy and ambiguous respectively and the even levels were delineated and definite respectively. Experience levels showed a link to the internal-external axis—but seemingly the opposite of what was found in Action and Inquiry. Might Experience be about control of personal state? Might Communication be about control of the message?

Purpose-PH6 and Willingness-PH7 also showed similarities in that they both appeared to be about social relationships or social cohesion. Might Purpose be about control of the future? Might Willingness be about control of conflict? An internal-external dimension might also apply in both cases.

Oscillation in Other Structures

All THEE hierarchies show an oscillation. In the check conducted for this inquiry, the general feature of locus of control may be evident. A regular finding is currently emerging in relation to the Spiral-derived hierarchy (both from Principal Typologies and the Q-expansion) in which the odd levels require acceptance and adaptation because control is impossible, while the even levels enable formulation and determined action because a degree of control seems possible.

Conclusion: Each Primary Hierarchy was previously considered separately when determining the oscillating duality. Examining all of them together has not revealed a definitive and useful generalization to date.

Originally posted: 10-May-2013. Last updated: 22-Dec-2022