Allowing Self Recovery

Introduction: This Tree is emergent from PH3-Change and contains all the PH-L7 elements. It comes into play when there is an impending or actual psychological collapse leading to doubt about whether you can repair the psychic damage and continue meeting demands of everyday life.

Emergence from PH3-Change

PH3-Change deals with a state of affairs of which you are a part. It includes how you manage matters, maintain stability, and represent reality. The adaptation you enable for yourself and your environment provides you with an identity that has practical and social relevance.

When stresses build beyond a certain point, you start to feel destabilized and doubt your adaptation is sufficient. If environmental changes directly target pillars in your adaptation (e.g. your home, your work, your partner, your family), your coping mechanisms may become ineffective. You then lose your equilibrium.

At a certain point, the degree of disruption and imbalance leads to a personal collapse. If traumatization is severe, depression builds and everything becomes increasingly difficult. Ordinary activities feel impossible, and paranoid defences may become active.

The options here are: to exit (i.e. commit suicide, have a serious illness, or fatal accident), allow dysfunction (i.e. be mentally ill), or take yourself in hand. «Taking yourself in hand» means using your awareness (better self) to see your self as broken—"I'm not coping" you say to yourself. You can then develop the determination to rebuild your self to be better adapted to the evolving environment.

The only way to repair psychic damage is to use a framework comprised solely of PH-L7 elements which transcend your current non-functioning self (psyche) because they function on the basis of selflessness. This framework is mostly applied in association with a close friend or therapist.

Despite or because of this selflessness, you can and must regard yourself as a unique person and concern yourself with the development of character.

Examples: To be completed.

ClosedMore on Life's Necessity: Maintaining Inner Equilibrium.

To be completed.

Why the Framework is all PH-L7s

If your self is not functioning then you need to activate selflessness because this allows you to rise above your present experiences. Unless you do this, you will constrict your social life further, withdraw from friends and lose support from within and without. Your confidence will fall even further and coping will become even more difficult.

Investigations into the Root Projection to Primary Hierarchies suggested that PH-L7 elements (within their Primary Hierarchy) are constructed under a psychosocial pressure for selflessness (probably with a specific neurophysiological underpinning).

The Tree framework constituted solely out of PH-L7 elements can therefore be expected to be dedicated to providing selflessness. Being a Root Tree, each level (KL•) will also retain its usual psychosocial pressures.

Note: The process here assumes that you are prepared to genuinely engage in a mental exploration of the unknown within yourself, your life and in your relation with the cosmos i.e. there is a strong link to Willingness-RL7.

ClosedConsider Alternatives

Renewal & Recovery

Summary Only: This is an abbreviated overview of the Tree with a focus on the Willingness element. A fuller account is provided in the next topic. Understanding the various Primary Hierarchy elements is assumed. For more details within the Architecture Room, review the relevant part of the Root Projection section.

Re-ordered tree of L7-Centres that carry pressures for selflessness.

The heart of the framework is KL4: Feel Good about Trusting. The cause of collapse is typically the loss of a previously trusted person (e.g. partner dies or leaves for another) or secure situation (e.g. job loss). As a result, personal collapse is often associated with both paranoia and depression. Depressive thinking views trusting as futile and deprives trust of energy and direction. Paranoid thinking is more pernicious and claims justification from what happened. It attempts to prevent you from attempting to trust by poisoning and attacking potential trustworthy people. Still, you must trust and feel good about it. The most basic object to trust is the cosmos (some would say 'God'), but more humane foci may need to be identified as well: close friends, a therapist, family members. Because your collapse has revealed that trusting alone is potentially dangerous, it needs constructive feeds from other Centres.

Feeding into Trusting-KL4 from above are the 5 Centres that enable renewal of a self that is re-integrated and can once again cope.

Once you realize that you are in a state of collapse, you must become open-KL7 to potential resolutions, to receiving help from others, to opportunities in your environment. Things will look bad, so your openness serves as a challenge to your trusting.

Openness should help you envisage a positive transformation-KL6 in yourself and your previous adaptation. It must focus on how your self can become utterly different; and on what transformed external arrangements you require. This ensures you become committed to trusting and supports the notion that there can be a good future.

By wondering-KL5 about yourself, your surroundings and related events, you can come to understand what has happened and what could happen now. That will make feeling good in trusting realistic and ensure it gets acceptance.

Feeding into Trusting-KL4 from below are the 3 Centres that enable recovery in association with a new adaptation and perspective.

Ultimate values-KL3 need to be activated in two ways. On the situational side, they must accord with popular ideals to give credibility to your trusting. On the other hand, you must insist on your own deepest values as an incentive and encouragement.

Imagination-KL2 is the most crucial tool. You are in what feels like an utterly new and undesirable situation. You cannot rely on your emotions or intuitions. Instead, you must empty your mind, allow unformed and unexpected experiential states, and be ready to consider whatever possibilities come. By appealing to imagination, you can energize trusting-KL4 (and vice versa).

Bypassing Trusting-KL4 to connect Renewal with Recovery are two levels essential for recommencing coping: your wondering (KL5) and your ultimate values (KL3). Your explanations of wonder should validate your promotion of popular ideals. Your appreciation of the speculations of others justifies your insistence on your own deepest values.

Final Common Path. Spontaneity-KL1 is a direct expression of effective social functioning and integration. So action that flows naturally from you and towards you, is concrete evidence that you are once again coping. Spontaneity won't just happen given your state: you must activate it and confirm (or discomfirm) what you imagine.

Previously Updated: 24-Mar-2014. Last Updated: 23-Jan-2015.