Overview of the Projections

The Conjecture

It is proposed that the Root Hierarchy (RH) controls the architecture of all other 7-level forms. The general term used is «projection» e.g. during the study of Politics, it appeared that "the RH projects into the Structural Hierarchy": review here. The presence of a Root Hierarchy projection (which is presumably a requirement) is proposed to explain the finding of 7 levels in all main THEE structures.

Each of the THEE structures needs careful study if we are to understand the nature of this «projection», and develop confidence in the associated conjectures. The investigative work to be done is listed below, and the historical basis of each conjecture is briefly explained.

Primary Hierarchy

Will emanates the 7-level Root Hierarchy, and each Root Level emanates a Primary Hierarchy. That explains why there are just 7 Primary Hierarchies. However, it does not explain why each Primary Hierarchy is has just 7 levels or the general similarity (resonance) noticeable between levels with the same number.

Recent investigation of the forced reversal of the oscillating duality in Primary Hierarchies required a focus on all 49 levels (i.e. 7 PHs with 7 levels each). This led to revision and clarification of some levels and invited comparisons. An important finding was that each PH level had the same structural transformation.

That inquiry generated the conjecture that the Root Hierarchy levels might well directly parallel the Primary Hierarchy levels. I mean that there is a one-to-one projection with RL1 affecting all L1s in the 7 Primary Hierarchies, RL2 affecting all L2s, and so on.

The projection appeared to be in the form of functional necessity i.e. elements within one particular Root Level were necessary for the function and existence of the corresponding Primary Hierarchy level, while elements within the other 6 Root Levels were not.

This conjecture is examined in detail with examples in the first section.

Studies in this section led to hypothesizing the existence of psychosocial pressures as the form of projection. This dynamic also contributed to providing verbs for function names and in the Tree Centres to complement entity-nouns that suffice for naming Levels.

Principal Typology & Spiral

Most inquiry has been focused on the structures that emerge from the Typology nested within the 6th Level of the Primary Hierarchies. These Types are mentalities (mind-sets) articulated as approaches (paradigms), which lead to methods for operating the Primary Hierarchy from which they arise. The Spiral Modes and derived Levels are the contextual values relevant to the Types/Methods.

Once the possibility of a projection was entertained, two Principal Typologies which have been intensively studied over many years were examined: Decision Approaches (PH'1) and Ethical Choice Approaches (PH'6).  In the first case, each of the 7 Types immediately suggested a strong correspondence with a specific Root Level. However, the pattern was much less clear, even doubtful, in the latter case. Typologies are not holistic while Spirals derived from them are. So it seemed possible that the puzzle might be resolved following re-sequencing into modes/stages in the Spiral.

The possibility of a projection is examined in detail with examples in the second section.

Structural Hierarchy

Experience suggests that every holistic THEE hierarchy can generate a structural hierarchy. That includes the Root Hierarchy, Root Spiral Hierarchy, the 7 Primary Hierarchies, 7 Principal Spiral-derived hierarchies, and the 49 Q-hierarchies (which are also Spiral-derived). The Principal Typologies are excluded, but may be deduced from the Spiral.

The projection in this case is taken to be that originally found within the Politics inquiry in relation to participation in political life (PH'6C-sH), and confirmed in the Achievement inquiry in relation to expectations of employment (PH'1C-sH). It seemed to be confirmed again in the Root Structural Hierarchy(RsH).

The projection here apparently produces the psychosocial forces and states that characterize the various groupings. These are subsequently used to define a Tree (the Field Tree)

This conjecture is examined in detail with examples in the third section.


The Principal Typologies are subject to a Q-expansion that creates 28 level. These in turn form 7 overlapping Q-Arenas, each of which exists via a Q-typology (or subsidiary typology), a Q-spiral and a Q-hierarchy, which generates a Q-structural hierarchy and Q-Field Tree.

The nature of the Q-Arenas has been clarified by their identification in 5 Domains, and several Q-entities have been investigated in detail. However, only one Arena has been fully worked out: Formal Organisations PH'5Q2.

Q-Arenas appear to be subject to two psychosocial pressures, a primary one related to their form, and a secondary one related to their operation or content.

2022: See exploration of Q-entities in the Naming section, with a focus on projected psychosocial pressures here.

Now start the investigation of projections to:






Initially posted: 5-Jul-2013. Last updated: 8-Jan-2023.