Determinants of Fitness PH'3CHK

Note: Details of Spirals and their Trees are or will be worked out in the Frameworks sections of this website. This topic is focused on the architecture and specifically on the contribution of psychosocial pressures to meeting our Primal Needs.

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Reaching this Point

Here is a summary of material that has been developed and explained in earlier Topics in this section and elsewhere. It is the basis for appreciating the Tree framework shown below.

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Structures and pressures in the Change Domain RL3 meeting primal need for fitness.

ClosedSummary of the PH'3 Control Diagram

Depiction for «Fitness»

It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for change-RL3 is fitness to psychosocial situations. Depiction must be acceptable in order to be given attention. Darwin explained that fitness was what counted for survival in the physical realm, and it appears just as essential within the psychosocial realm. Depiction of situations to support fitness depends on using principles contained within the methods for depiction. The nature of any situation can be clarified by cumulatively applying modes of clarifying, each of which draws on the essence of one depiction method.

Acceptability and continuing fitness depends on situations. The significance and power of others makes their well-being an unavoidable constraint. That is why depiction leading to change-RL3 turns out to be enabled and constrained by Experience-RL4, whose psychosocial pressure is well-being.

As this framework has not been sufficiently studied, further explanation will not be attempted.

Initially posted: 05-Jan-2023