Domain Control Complex Details
Highlight Coding:
Green highlighting = Psychosocial Pressure (check) (Pale green)
Blue highlighting = Primal Means (check) (Pale turquoise)
Yellow highlighting = Primal Need (check)
Violet highlighting = Primal Nexus (check)
Matrix View
The total account is shown summarized in matrix that is meant to be read row by row from left to right.
Each row, starting from the bottom (RL1) is explained further below both in schematic detail according to this matrix (with special extra notes), and then briefly as a summary account.
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RL7 |
Willingness |
Value Learning |
Ability enhancement methods |
Modes for Handling |
Mastery Competence |
Feasibility and other practical issues i.e. Action-RL1. |
RL6 |
Purpose |
Adhere to Value Systems |
Ethical choice methods |
Modes for Governing |
Governance |
Readiness to put the group first i.e. Willingness-RL7. |
RL5 |
Communic'n |
Assign Meanings |
Language use methods |
Modes for Sharing |
A Shared Reality
Association |
Freedom of group members to pursue goals i.e. Purpose-RL6. |
RL4 |
Experience |
Integrate Identifications |
Identity development methods |
Modes for Maturing |
A Sense of Self
Individuality |
Guidance and encouragement i.e. Communic'n-RL5. |
RL3 |
Change |
Generate Represent'ns |
Depiction methods |
Modes for Clarifying |
Fitness |
Feelings of members of a relevant network i.e. Experience-RL4. |
RL2 |
Inquiry |
Justify Judgements |
Testing methods |
Modes for Investigating |
Knowing |
Critical approval of the new by a reference group i.e. Change-RL3. |
RL1 |
Action |
Determine Choices |
Decision methods |
Modes for Achieving |
Achievement |
Uncertainties about choices and their effects i.e. Inquiry-RL2. |
RH-L1: Action
- The Action Root Level emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Action-PH1, which is the foundation for achievement, its Primal Need.
- The PH1-L6 element is Choice, and its dynamic form is proposed as Determine Choice.
- The critical factor in optimizing action is the pressure for performance .
- Choices are determined as optimal by appealing to the use of one or other of the decision methods-PH'1: even if some may take an inordinate amount of time.
- Achievement depends on management strong enough to handle all situations and pressures i.e. able to access all decision methods.
- Management, the Primal Means, can become stronger by viewing each decision method more generally as a mode for achieving, and progressively cumulating mode values via the TET Spiral.
- The 4 Cycle-1modes are values controlling the flow of action-RL1. The 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from action-RL1, have values primarily serving inquiry-RL2 because of the need for certainty in choices that are intrinsically uncertain.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Achievement, reveals that certainty (from Inquiry-RL2) enables and constrains performance (from Action-RL1).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for action-RL1 is achievement. All individuals can achieve by making choices-PH1L6 intuitively and haphazardly. But the resource and time constraints intrinsic to important or large-scale achievement invariably activates specialized methods for decision. All psychosocial pressures, including those seemingly tangential to achievement, must be taken into account in the use of these methods, a process that is recognized as management. This Primal Means is available to a person or an informal group, but is especially needed by formal organizations (whence the notion of "management culture").
The inexorable passage of time and depletion of resources invariably raises uncertainty about successful achievement. This poses an issue of confidence in management. That is why managementAction-RL1 is constrained by the certainty gained through Inquiry-RL2.
RH-L2: Inquiry
- The Inquiry Root Level emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Inquiry-PH2, which is the foundation for knowing, its Primal Need
- The PH2-L6 element is Judgement, and its dynamic form is proposed as Justify Judgement.
- The critical factor in optimizing inquiry is the pressure for certainty in the production and testing of findings.
This is the philosophical subject of «epistemology», described as a search for certainty (cf. control of achievement). However, in practice, certainty is viewed cavalierly by the ordinary person. In regard to everyday decisions, the man in the street is intuitively aware that knowledge is always incomplete. On other matters, there may be a claim for total certainty.
Modern studies have clarified that it is impossible to know reality for certain however scientific the approach. Yet professional scientists often have certainty in positions that lack evidence but still appeal for a variety of reasons (cf. comments by a leading physicist). This unsubstantiated knowledge is nevertheless viewed as an acceptable guide further research and wins grants.
- Judgements are explained as optimal by referring to the use of one or other of the testing methods-PH'2.
- Knowing depends on the use of conjectures that are certain enough to count as knowledge, because they have been subject to a variety of testing methods.
- Conjecturing, the Primal Means for knowingabout anything, gets established by viewing each testing method more generally as a mode for investigating, and progressively cumulating mode values via the TET Spiral.
- The 4 Cycle-1 modes are values for inquiring-RL2. However, the 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from inquiry-RL2 and its testing methods-PH'2, have values primarily serving change-RL3. This is due to critical reactions of a reference group of inquirers and researchers who determine acceptability.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Knowing, reveals that acceptability (from Change-RL3) enables and constrains certainty (from Inquiry-RL2).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for inquiry-RL2 is knowing. However, knowing is not restricted to the moment or the individual. It can draw on the output of specialized methods for testing to increase certainty and develop knowledge. All knowing, most explicitly in science, is based on conjectures. Conjecturesbecome progressively established as they are investigated and integrated, extended and elaborated, using values drawn from all testing methods. This mechanism is used by groups, communities or even the whole of humanity.
Investigating and establishing any conjectures as valid is a social enterprise. There is always a relevant reference group ready to support or criticize. Its significance and power makes the acceptability of inquiry findings an unavoidable constraint on knowing in practice. That is why conjectures-oriented Inquiry-RL2 turns out to be enabled and constrained by Change-RL3, whose psychosocial pressure is acceptability.
RH-L3: Change
- The Change Root Level-3 emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Change-PH3, which is the foundation for fitness, its Primal Need.
- The PH3-L6 element is Representation, and its dynamic form is proposed as Generate Representation.
- The critical factor in optimizing change is the pressure for acceptability of the present and/or future situation.
- Representations are generated as optimal insofar as they accord with one or other of the depiction methods-PH'3.
More on model validity:
The validity of a representation or depiction is secondary. Representing that is acceptable is powerful, often regardless of its validity. While a depiction that is acceptable but invalid may nevertheless be used, a depiction that is valid but unacceptable will be rejected and despised. In addition, what counts towards validity is itself subject to acceptability criteria.
- Fitness depends on clarification of situations. This depends on regarding a depiction method more generally as a mode for clarifying the nature of the situation.
- Clarification, the Primal Means for fitness, establishes any situation as real and distinct. Clarification may be expanded and consolidated by cumulating modes and their values via the TET Spiral.
- The 4 Cycle-1modes are values for Change-RL3. However, the 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from change-RL3 and its depiction methods-PH'3, have values primarily serving experience-RL4. This is because clarification is activated via experiences and affects well-being.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Fitness, reveals that well-being (from Experience-RL4) enables and constrains acceptability (from Change-RL3).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for change-RL3 is fitness to situations. Clarification must be acceptable in order to be allowed to exist. Accepting used to be an issue in the physical realm, and it still is within the psychosocial realm. Clarification depends on using specific methods for depicting. The nature of any situation can be grasped by using all clarifying nodes, each of which draws on the essences of a method.
Acceptability and continuing fitness depends on the positive disposition of others in relation to the clarification. Others' significance and power make their well-being an unavoidable constraint. That is why clarifying situations enables Change-RL3 while being constrained by Experience-RL4, whose psychosocial pressure is well-being.
RH-L4: Experience
- The Experience Root Level-4 emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Experience-PH4, which is the foundation for individuality, its Primal Need.
- The PH4-L6 element is Identification, and its dynamic form is proposed as Integrate Identifications.
- The critical factor in optimizing experience-RL4 is the pressure for well-being by the entity, person or group.
- Identifications are integrated by using one or other of the mental stabilization methods-PH'4.
- Individuality depends on awareness of a self and on its maturity. This is based on modes for maturing derived from the mental stabilization methods-PH'4.
Being a cog, being a faceless bureaucrat, being a number, being an anonymous member of crowd.
- A sense of self, the Primal Means for individuality, can develop and strengthen through progressively incorporating modes for maturing via the TET Spiral.
- The 4 Cycle-1modes are values for Experience-RL4. However, the 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from Experience-RL4 and its mental stabilization methods-PH'4 have values primarily serving Communication-RL5. This is because maturation involves self-adjustment and requires thought, guidance and encouragement. Understanding is needed on both sides.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Individuality, reveals that understanding (from Communication-RL5) enables and constrains well-being (from Experience-RL4).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for Experience-RL4 is individuality. Although this most obviously applies to a person, it can equally apply to a culture, to a nation, to an organization i.e. to any human system where the notion of growth and development is meaningful. Individuality emerges from the method for mental stabilization as part of a desire for well-being. A sense of self implies an inner continuity, coherence and integration of experience that allows for stability and the experience of sameness. It develops and adjusts to inner and outer realities via modes of maturing derived from the mental stabilization methods.
Developing a sense of self during maturation depends on the guidance and encouragement by respected intimates, typically parents, friends and mentors. Their contribution depends on mutual understanding, so that what is offered is appropriate and can be assimilated. This process contributes to individuality. That is why a self in Experience-RL4 turns out to be enabled and constrained by Communication-RL5, whose psychosocial pressure is understanding.
RH-L5: Communication
- The Communication Root Level-5 emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Communication-PH5, which is the foundation for association with others , its Primal Need.
Inability for individuals to communicate (e.g. lack of a common language) severely impedes getting together with others. Forming or joining a social group may be impossible because its rationale and membership rules would not be understood.
- The PH5-L6 element is Meaning, and its dynamic form is proposed as Assign Meanings.
- The critical factor in optimizing communication-RL5 is the pressure for understanding.
- Meanings are assigned in accord with one or other of the methods for using language-PH'5.
- Association with others depends on a commonality i.e. sharing a relevant reality, which becomes «the reality» for all involved. The degree of conviction and general sharing varies according to the way this reality is communicated and discussed. Each language method becomes the basis for a different mode of sharing.
- The development of what is to be taken as a reality, and its ever firmer establishment as «the reality», occurs by a progressive cumulation of the modes of sharing via the TET Spiral.
The way social groups insist that their perceptions and fully established narratives and embedded conceptions represent reality is disturbing to an impartial outside observer, but completely natural and wholly acceptable to those within the group, however intelligent and unbiased. Members of organized social groups naturally battle over what the reality is on some issues, but that occurs in Stage 3 of the Spiral. By the time the full Spiral is complete, those battles are ancient history. Most everyone wonders how anyone could have thought differently to the way things are viewed now.
Reality is a complicated issue touched on by various Root Levels: see further analysis.
- The 4 Cycle-1modes are values for Communication-RL5. However, the 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from Communication-RL5 and its language methods-PH'5, have values primarily serving Purpose-RL6. This is because participants in informal associations or members of formal groups experience autonomy. They feel free to exit and join others espousing a reality in tune with different values and perceptions.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Association, reveals that autonomy (from Purpose-RL6) enables and constrains understanding (from Communication-RL5).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for communication-RL5 is association with others. The pressure for understanding is met by a variety of methods for using language. The possibility and persistence of any association depends on using those methods to refer to a common reality. Conviction and commonality can be developed around any issue through modes of sharing based on the different methods for using language.
However, a continuing belief in any proposed reality depends on the goals and values of members of the group. The natural autonomy of members in this regard puts an unavoidable constraint on any association . That is why reality-oriented Communication-RL5 turns out to be ensured and constrained by Purpose-RL6, whose psychosocial pressure is autonomy.
RH-L6: Purpose
- The Purpose Root Level-6 emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Purpose-PH6, which is the foundation for governance, its Primal Need.
- The PH6-L6 element is Value System, and its dynamic form is proposed as Adhere to a Value System.
- The critical factor for optimizing purpose-RL6 is the pressure for autonomy, which entails the exercise of the individual's power.
More on Autonomy:
Purpose-PH6 is predominantly about values (L3-L7) and values are intrinsically group-based or (if new) generate groups naturally. Only autonomy can prevent groupthink and conformist herding—both of which lead to sub-optimal goals.
Power and autonomy are essential to confront and persuade the group, and to withstand attacks and opposition. The ultimate power option, coercion, is antithetical to autonomy and will always generate resistance in the name of freedom.
- Value systems are followed and personal goals are chosen in the face of social pressure by according with methods for ethical choice-PH'6.
- Governance depends on politics which determine the benefits that can be obtained by a person or group. Politics is developed using modes of governing, which deal with the freedom of members to pursue their own purposes. The modes are based on values in the methods for ethical choice. Governing implies an obligatory exercise of social power on behalf of the group.
More on Power
The obligation of some to exercise power over others in any group is unavoidable. The rationale is to protect members (and their autonomy) against fraud or violence from within or without the group, and to produce or protect social goods common to all. Because everybody is affected by such issues, politics is a concern for all.
Every group has political issues. The main focus for power as a physical reality is the nation-state. However, every social group is subject to politics, which members need to recognize and handle.
- The progressive maturation of politics in providing for governance and member autonomy depends on a progressive cumulation of the modes of governing via the TET Spiral.
- The 4 Cycle-1modes are values for Purpose-RL6. However, the 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from purpose-RL6 and its ethical choice methods-PH'6, have values primarily serving Willingness-RL6. This is because people come to recognize their dependence on politics. This fosters selflessness that manifests differently according to the nature of the group.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Politics, reveals that selflessness (from Willingness-RL7) enables and constrains autonomy (from Purpose-RL6).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for purpose-RL6 is governance. Members of any group sense their autonomy, and use politics to pursue their own goals and their sub-group values. Tensions and pressures are unavoidable. The quality of politics is a function of the societal maturation which involves incorporating values of modes derived from ethical choice methods.
Small groups and organizations may fail or distintegrate through mismanaging politics. To prevent this, it is essential that members are sometimes ready to put the good of the group first. This unavoidable requirement taps into the pressure for selflessness. While large societies are in no danger of disappearing, their quality of life depends on a willing social involvement by citizens. The pressures of autonomy (from Purposes-RL6) need to be enabled and constrained by selflessness (from Willingness-RL7).
RH-L7: Willingness
- The Willingness Root Level-7 emanates the Primary Hierarchy of Willingness-PH7, which is the foundation for competence/mastery, its Primal Need.
- The PH7-L6 element is Learning, and its dynamic form is proposed as Value Learning.
- The critical factor for optimizing willingness-RL7 is the pressure for selflessness.
- Learning is valued by using one or other of the ability enhancing methods-PH'7.
- Competence depends on effectiveness, and this is manifested in the way diverse and difficult situations are engaged and handled. Each ability enhancing method becomes the basis for a different mode of handling.
- Individuals can strengthen effectiveness by progressively cumulating mode values in the TET Spiral.
- The 4 Cycle-1modes are values for Willingness-RL7. However, the 3 Cycle-2 modes, despite emerging from willingness-RL6 and its ability enhancing methods-PH'6, have values primarily serving Action-RL1. This is because feasibility and practicality are the prime constraints on actual effectiveness.This fosters an awareness of performance pressures.
- As a result, the Emergent Tree, Determinants of Effectiveness, reveals that performance (from Action-RL1) ensures and constrains selflessness (from Willingness-RL7).
Summary Account
It is proposed that an inherent biology-based rationale for willingness-RL6 is competence. This is a drive to contribute to a relevant situation in an energetic, polished and appropriate way without letting personal matters interfere. Under a pressure for selflessness, any individual can put their ego to one side and activate ability enhancing methods. Effectiveness in handling challenges is necessary for professionalism. It can be developed by incorporating modes derived from the ability enhancing methods.
Effectiveness depends on the feasibility and practicality of options for resolution. This means recognizing realities, especially time pressures, which puts an unavoidable constraint on competence in practice. That is why selflessness (from Willingness-RL7) turns out to be enabled and constrained by performance (from Action-RL1).
Continue to some more speculative conclusions:
Initially posted: 22-Nov-2013. Last updated: 14-Jan-2023.Domain