Orientation to these Drafts

Limitations of the Posting

From 2015, I made a major effort to formulate all the main frameworks so as to confirm and enable presentation of the whole Taxonomy. This led to the production of large numbers of unavoidably weakly formulated frameworks, particularly the many structural hierarchies and most frameworks within Change-RL3 and Willingness-RL7 . When in 2021, I turned my attention to the Q-expansions, dozens of additional frameworks were identified and only partially formulated.

My goal here is to provide those many poorly formulated diagrams, for others to determine what they are worth—perhaps a lot in some cases and perhaps very little in others—and revise them based on their own inquiries.

Over time, I expect to work on these materials. In 2024, for example, I will turn my attention to Change-RL3.

State of the Material

The material posted here must be viewed as highly provisional, even speculative. Because all these frameworks represent work-in-progress, terms with their functions and properties are fluidly formulated. So it is difficult to ensure consistency.

In my preparatory research, I strive to reach a degree of certainty and confidence in a particular matrix and labeled diagram. However, in striving to articulate what I have discovered, it commonly appears that I have made many mistakes. The entities are not sufficiently well-formulated and cannot withstand serious challenge. This conclusion sends me back to the diagrams on the drawing board, and a back-and-forth process evolves until I finally settle on something that seems correct enough to be made public.

Not uncommonly, I fail to penetrate the reality sufficiently and cannot proceed with publication. I then put the effort to one side awaiting greater clarity through reading more deeply, exposing myself to particularly relevant situations, or simply hoping that a distance in time will enable unconscious processing to generate greater clarity.

Requisite and Self-centred Trees

One of the awarenesses that emerged in the Architecture Room was the part that a person can play in forcibly operating their biological infrastructure. This was particularly noticeable in our capacity to reverse oscillating dualities under pressure.

That discovery led to the notion that every requisite or objective framework should also be accompanied by a framework that allowed a person to put themselves first and allow their interests and situation to dominate.

These self-centred or subjective frameworks use the same Centre essences but modified by special verbs that lead to specifically named Channels. The verbs and Channels are held to be identical in all subjective Trees. However, given the focus on the self, it is assumed that at each of the bipolar levels (KL3, KL5, KL6), the dominance relationship is reversed.

These Trees were never previously posted, and I will use this section to provide them as a matter of record and to permit challenge.

Originally posted: 12-Dec-2023.