Action Domain Fundamentals


Fundamentals of the Action Domain RL1

Levels of Action (PH1)

This hierarchy is described in a minimal fashion in the Architecture Room, principally in section dealing with Root Hierarchy projection to Primary Hierarchies. The level entities can be compared with those in other Primary Hierarchies in the Review section.

See more provisional detailed findings in this matrix created in 1991 and not since revised:

L Form of
Function Mode of
Locus of Control Emergent Properties Contribution to Execution Error
7 Spontaneity
(right action)
Providing a deep inner transpersonal involvement in action. Releasing Identity of Internal & External Harmony Energy Excessive control or allowing ego to intrude
6 Choice
(control for action)
Selecting a form of intervention or lower level action. Adopting Internal and External Structure Confidence Persisting with an unsuitable approach
5 Intervention
(complete action)
Producing a particular result in the situation. Generating Internal Purpose Coherence Progressing action incoherently
4 Response
(range of actions)
Deploying a mix of techniques to cover developing contingencies. Activating External Variety Flexibility Responding inappropriately
3 Technique
(systematized action)
Enhancing the efficiency and quality of actions. Employing Internal Principle Efficiency Applying techniques mindlessly
2 Procedure
(modulated action)
Maintaining a flow of action appropriate to the circumstances. Adapting External Stage Shaping Missing or misunderstanding cues
1 Movement*
(elemental action)
Means for progressing action in a voluntary manner. Triggering Internal State Precision Inadvertent triggering

* An acton is the smallest movement that can be voluntarily produced.

A Deliberate Activity (PH1K)

The Tree for the Domain Vehicle is presented with minimal explanation in the section on Framework Naming. Channels have not yet been proposed.

The self-centred Tree is shown with standard labelling.

Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.

Objective requirements for a deliberate activity: Tree pattern. Self-centred requirements for a deliberate activity: Tree pattern.

Producing Results (PsH1)

This framework is provisionally formulated but has not been posted or explained anywhere on the website. The first graphic shown below labels the Groups and Groupings. The second graphic proposes the qualities of the levels within the groups.

Requirements, components and states for 'Producing Results' PsH1


Qualities of internal levels in each of the groupings used for "Producing Results" (PsH1)

A Credible Course (PsH1K)

The Tree for the Domain Field is presented with minimal explanation in the section on Framework Naming. Channels have not yet been proposed.

The self-centred Tree is shown with standard labelling.

Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.

Requisite requirements for a credible course of action (PsH1K) Self-centred requirements for a credible course of action (PsH1K)


Originally posted: 22-Dec-2023.