Why Aspirations Matter

Personal aspirations and commitment are found at another higher level that also enhances effectiveness.

As with knowledge (CL5), the two aspiration Centres must connect. Shared aspirations will be powerful to the degree that individuals in key posts are pursuing their personal aspirations. At the same time, personal aspirations will only be released if the organization's shared aspirations align and mesh with these. We name the CL6O CL6I channel: EMPOWERMENT

Aspirations (CL6) Knowledge (CL5)

Both forms of aspiration and energy(CL6) will influence empirical investigations and the collection and selection of information (CL5). So there are four possible channels of direct influence. However, only two of these are requisite: the Individual Centres interact and Organizational Centres interact. There is no direct cross-level influence between individual and organizational Centres.


Group convictions based on corporate data are needed to inform shared aspirations so that they can be realistic. Group aspirations and energy in turn provide information about what corporate data is needed, and give convictions a meaning.

We name the CL6O CL5O channel: INFORM.

But there is no requisite CL6O – CL5I channel because:

Shared aspirations have no influence on what an individual knows about the local situation with which he must grapple on a daily basis. Nor is that local knowledge directly relevant to the group's aspirations. Any effect flows via adjustment of L6I-personal aspirations or alteration of the L5O-group convictions in regard to corporate data.

Personal aspirations will affect an individual's approach to his own situation, by narrowing interests and encouraging particular investigations or gathering of data. Local knowledge directly focuses creative potential because the easiest and most natural way for anyone to use their creativity is in handling their own situation.

We name the CL6I CL5I channel: FOCUS.

But there is no requisite CL6I – CL5O channel because.

Personal aspirations are not influenced by group convictions or corporate data except as these affect any shared aspirations. The L5O-meaning of corporate data is not influenced by any individual's aspirations, except indirectly if those aspirations lead to specific new L5I local knowledge.

Aspirations (CL6) Values & Goals (CL4)

It is evident that both Centres of aspiration and energy need to influence organizational values, strategies & goals, and vice versa.


Shared aspirations facilitate agreement on particular values and the setting of ambitious but achievable goals for the organization. These values and goals also facilitate the emergence of aspirations for all and the activation of group energy.

We name the CL6O CL4B channel: FACILITATION

Every member of staff needs to work on organizational goals and adhere to values in accord with their own role and interests. These values and goals are brought to life by personal aspirations and creative outputs. Values and goals are also energizers for willing staff, and encourage the birth of creative ideas and personal growth through work.

We name the CL6I CL4B channel: VITALIZATION


Aspirations (CL6) to: Issue Resolution (CL3), Accountability (CL2), Necessary Action (CL1). There are no direct channels.


To:  Issue Resolution (CL3)Issues have no direct effect on aspirations; and commitment does not directly deal with inter-divisional or political issues. The CL6 and CL4 Centres are indirectly connected via objective realities (CL5), values and current objectives (CL4).

To:  Accountability (CL2)Accountability does not directly relate to aspirations or vice versa. In organizations, creative potential must be kept under control and harnessed primarily via agreed values and goals (CL4).

To: Necessary Action (CL1)Aspirations alone are not an acceptable justification for any action; and taking particular and necessary action does not directly determine or shape aspirations or commitment.

► Continue to harnessing social and technological forces.

Originally posted: 17-Sep-2011