Showing Commitment: CG6

Organizations Make Commitments

Flexibility-CG5 in the sense of presence does not just happen, it must be driven from within in a coherent fashion. For that matter, all the means of achievement must somehow be driven.

The key force, as everyone knows, is commitment. That is why a core expectation by management is that the employees show commitment. Note that the present commitment is not to yourself or to your work, but to the organization's «self» and its work.
ClosedMore clarification:► 

Remember: The organization is a «quasi-individual » with a «quasi-self». So, like a person, it too requires an unequivocal commitment to itself. Of course, that has no meaning unless staff accept there is such a thing as an «organization's commitment» — which is what we will examine and clarify here.

Applying the Two Perspectives

Management policy and personal adjustment demand commitment in the 2 hexads.

From an organization/management perspective, policies, strategies, regulations and similar organization-wide choices are the crucial commitments. We will use the THEE-nameManagement Policy to refer to them generally.

From a personal/employee perspective, it is no surprise that the organization expects commitment to management policy. However, these policies alter and get re-focused over time and take no individual into account, so such commitment calls for a degree of ongoing adjustment by employees. Personal Adjustment is the THEE-name for the demand on an employee to show commitment-CG6. What might you have to adjust? Closed Almost anything: your current aspiration, your priorities, your arrangements to balance family and work, your usual activities, your favorite tasks, a certain role, or particular relationships.

The additional quality required to deliver on commitment-based obligations is «perceptiveness»: i.e. a use of insight, acumen and discernment to appreciate the many issues that affect any deliberate choice.

The Demands of Commitment

In organizations, commitment takes two forms:

Being Responsible-CG62
Being Proactive-CG61

Both Management and Employees have to be responsible and proactive.

Being Responsible

Function: To take ownership of obligations to members/investors, to other stakeholders, to wider society, and also to employees (for management) or to management (for employees).

The terms «responsibility» and «accountability» are often used synonymously, but THEE recognizes a distinction. This distinction is needed to recognize that an employee can feel obligated and be responsible for something independently of formal post-based accountability.

Being Proactive

Function: To look ahead, plan and act so as to ensure the survival and growth of the organization.

Proactivity involves pre-empting or anticipating difficulties. It means making a deliberate decision rather than responding to an easily predictable event. Its deficit is evident in «waiting to be told» or «being overwhelmed by pressures» (often a precursor to going off sick).

NOTE: Proactive choices can include: wait and see, be reactive, comply, or use best practice; but only if such alternatives are carefully considered by an employee in relation to the anticipated issue.

Originally posted: 11-Nov-2011