
The framework for expectations and obligations in large organizations takes the form of a THEE structural hierarchy. You can see it all in the two diagrams below. Also see below for a list of reviews, including the two main dualities.

Although it is not a simple picture—models of human systems are never simple—each component can be simple, clear, unambiguous and easily understood. If not, make your Comment.

Both an employee (a person) and an employer (the management, the organization) regard the type of activities shown in the top light blue bar of the diagram below as natural requirements of employment.

Employment is about using all possible means of achievement. Each Grouping (CG) and each Group within a Grouping is a means of achievement, formed from the elements in CG-1. Below each of the Groupings-CG are the enduring requirements placed on Management and on each and every Employee.

ClosedWhere did the Groupings-CG come from?

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The full picture of expectations in employment for both management and employees forming a structural hierarchy.See the development of the internal structure of Groups within each Grouping in the above structural hierarchy by closing the navigation column and Closedclicking here ►


Originally posted: 11-Nov-2011