Offering Flexibility: CG5

Review & Reorient

The groupings so far have focused on ensuring work gets done to deliver performance via employment. They have a self-contained self-sustaining quality

Management adaptation and personal presence allow for offering flexibility in the 3 pentads.

For management, the initial 4 groupings are about shaping the organization, and enabling employees to work effectively.

For employees, the initial 4 groupings are about doing your best at work for yourself, as well as to discharge your contractual obligations.

Now we must reorient our thinking: Assessments-CG4 point the way forward. Those management reports commonly demand change of some sort rather than «more of the same». However, such change is likely to be problematic. ClosedIt certainly will be if it alters: ►

A desire for change in the context of work (e.g. travel requirements, holiday plans) may also emanate from the employee. From wherever it comes, the inherent stresses force into prominence the social and personal aspects of employment. The final three groupings (CG5, CG6 & CG7) appear to be focused on those aspects. All require a degree of mutuality in terms of support and loyalty.

Change is hard: if not handled well, there will be resistance, problems, and even emotional explosions. So the key requirement here is flexibility.

Flexibility is a Two-Way Street

Flexibility must be willingly offered—it is never a given. Its function in employment is to maintain bonds of mutual involvement while enabling the necessary changes to proceed. Both the management and the employees should be prepared to be flexible.

Flexibility is the most immediate social context for all work. In the work environment, flexibility must accord with what is known to be relevant, objectively and subjectively. This is obtained by adding a 5th level of expectation or means of achieving to create Pentads with the quality of being «knowledgeable».

► Look now at the three core principles for flexibility.

Originally posted: 11-Nov-2011