The Employee's Framework

The diagrams here were created during a step-by step analysis. The following topics briefly review this work, mainly via diagrams. Then some parts of the Tree framework are extracted to see the story each tells.

Here is how we developed the framework for being employed in a large modern organization.

ClosedClick to see. Zoom out if necessary.

Yourself and Your Work

Pattern of Centres that shape how an employee  handles employment by an organization.

Yourself v Your Work is the Internal Duality in the Tree for handling being employed. This duality is as relevant to management as it is to you. It reflects factors of work life that should be obvious to all. Some of them may not receive as much attention as others. But that is the merit of a framework like this: you can picture it all and you can also focus on just a small part.

Upper Pole

The 5 Centres in the top 3 Levels in which you handle Yourself define Your Obligations to the Organization. You must select incentives and become part of the organization, not only submitting to and adopting the organization's ways, but also identifying with it, joining the staff community and being alert and attentive at all times.

In this section (pole), there are the personal sources of organizational strength in terms of how loyal and involved employees actually are.

Lower Pole

The 5 Centres in the lower 4 Levels in which you handle Your Work define Your Obligations to Yourself. You must take a creative approach to your work or it will become deadly. This starts with seeking challenges, and includes using all your abilities and imagination, as well as your skills in influencing others. For your own safety and well-being, it is essential that you track your position within the organization.

In this section (pole), the organization depends on the application of personal strength, which is primarily dependent on the quality of management, which itself depends on the application of personal strength. Tricky.

ClosedLinking the Poles

The Upper Pole is primarily linked to the Lower Pole via CG4-Tracking your Position. However, there are two additional links between your work and your obligations that run from CG5 to CG3: Job Enrichment and Job Dedication. These align your personal interests with the organization's: i.e. the dynamic duality of self v organization is bridged by these two Channels.

These two methods of enhancing your input help you to contribute well to the organization while gaining personal benefit at the same time. Your engagement, sensitivity and responsiveness are the key to this.


Originally posted: 17-Dec-2011