Adaptation & Presence in Practice

There are three essential principles in offering flexibility-CG5. Each looks different depending on whether we take the management's or the employee's perspective .

EngagementBe Engaged

SensitivityBe Sensitive

ResponsivenessBe Responsive

A management culture may value flexibility, but only a person can be engaged, sensitive, and responsive. The account below will therefore consider employee presence before noting how management adaptation manifests and enables flexibility.

Disturbances are common here on both sides and are major factors for persistent distress and disruption in organizations.  When management has difficulties in facing up to new organizational realities, it is no longer functioning properly as management.

Engagement: CG53

Function:  To get oneself in the correct frame of mind to effectively handle evolving work issues and interact with relevant staff.

Employee Presence

Being engaged requires the upper 5 levels of achievement determinants.

As an employee, you need to be alert and attentive, especially keeping up to date in regard to priorities and pressures. These generalities can be made far more precise using our framework.

ClosedRequired Components


Management Adaptation 

CEO and line-managers need «everyone on board» to deliver unexpected requirements or major change projects. They cannot automatically assume «buy-in», and so must be ready to adapt their initial ideas: perhaps in terms of pace and timing, perhaps in terms of methods, perhaps even in regard to some goals or priorities.

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Sensitivity: CG52

Function:To take account of another person's experiences and circumstances when interacting around work issues.

Employee Presence

Being sensitivite requires the middle 5 levels of achievement determinants.

As an employee, you need to sense how others are feeling and in particular be alert to internal conflicts between personal interests and organizational needs (i.e. management's interests and goals). These generalities can be made far more precise using this framework.

ClosedRequired Components


Management Adaptation  

Managers require sensitivity to be able to find solutions that will work both for the employee and for the organization as a whole.

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Responsiveness: CG51

Function: To sustain effective relating during interactions on work issues by doing whatever is constructive and helpful.

Employee Presence

Being responsive requires the lower 5 levels of achievement determinants.

As an employee, you work with others all the time. It is beneficial all round if you listen carefully, communicate promptly and respond positively. These generalities can be made far more precise using this framework.

ClosedRequired Components


Management Adaptation

Managers' responsiveness is a direct function of their capability to carry the responsibility in their role, and to use their assigned authority. Unresponsiveness, via shirking duty or displacing blame, must therefore be taken as a warning signal of a manager out of their depth.

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► Continue now to the next level of psychosocial integration needed in organizations: showing commitment(CG6).

Originally posted: 11-Nov-2011